Devil Head 2

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We slept in the purgatory woods that night.

I slept with my back up again a tree, sitting up. Patrick's head rested in my lap.

It's the next morning now.

It must be around 5am judging by the fact that the sun is just rising. I shift around a bit, I slept sitting up and I'm uncomfortable. I stop moving when I hear a groan. I look down to see a small angel half asleep.

"Pete, stop moving."

He has bruises covering his body, as well as a few cuts. I'm assuming that's from when my dad pulled him down from the sky. He also has a, thankfully not too bad, black eye. It's just cool colors surrounding his actually eye. Not too much damage done.

I still feel really bad though.

"Sorry, Patty." I rub his back.

He sigh and sits up. He back is again the tree behind me, sitting next to me. He lays his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around his waist and kiss his head.

"Are we still...leaving..?" He asks.

"Yea, I mean if you're okay with that," I frown, "I can't stand being here anymore."

He nods and lifts his head up. "Let's go then."

I nod with a weak smile. He hooks his arms under my And starts flapping his wings, us getting a few inches off the ground.

"Paaaatrick, no no no no-"

He just giggles and pulls me up, now we're flying a couple feet off the ground.

"Okay HAHA VERY FUNNY PUT ME DOWN." I squirm around.

"I'll drop you if we keep wiggling around." He smirks.

"I hate you."

And with that we're off.

Flying through worlds, it takes a few hours before we've come in contact with earth. And no, we didn't fly through space, that's not the way it works.

We're shot into a city. Well, an alleyway to be exact. Okay we landed in a dumpster in an alleyway in a city, but whatever.

We pull ourselves out of the damn dumpster and onto the ground. We both smile and start laugh loudly, hugging each other.

We've never been to earth. Few angels and demons can ever say they have.

"We did it we did it we did i-"

"Um? Hello?" We hear a voice and freeze.

I look over to see a boy with longer apple red hair. He looks around seventeen or eighteen. His hands are behind his back and he's squinting.

"Ugh, hi." I choke out.

"Why are you here? Lucifer and/or God never said anything about sending...both an angel and a demon to earth...let alone Lucifer's own...son." He looks confused.

"Oh...we, ugh...left without word." Patrick says nervously.

"Oh," He looks around, "come with me."

Patrick and I look at each other and shrug, timidly following the boy to a flower shop. A sign saying 'Way Flower Service.' People give us odd looks, eyeing Patrick's wings and my banana sized horns.

He pulls us into the shop, headed straight for the back. Behind a few doors is another store, one for...holy shit there's a sex shop back here.

"FRANK I NEED YOU." The boy yells then turn to us, "tell me why the fuck you're here."

I go on to ramble on about my dad and us wanted to start fresh and live a human life.

The boy just nods slowly as a speak, soon enough another boy comes around a shelf and up to us.

"Yea, Gee?" He looks at us then, " The fuck?"

The red head boy sighs.

"I'm Gerard, that's Frank," Frank waves, "we're two dudes who help out angels and demons who are sent to earth for whatever reason. There's others like us across the world, we're in Chicago in the US by the way in case you didn't know. Know why you two did by leaving us extremely risky and dangerous."

"Yea we're aware." Patrick says dumbly.

"Hold on." Gerard sighs goes into another door.

I explain again to Frank why we're here.

"Well, good for you guys." He salutes us and walk off.

Gerard comes back a few minutes later. "Alright."

He throws a hat at me. "To hide the horns."

I put on the snapback hat, it reads 'Chicago Cubs.'

He then looks at Patrick. I'll be harder to hide wings than horns, I assume.

Gerard throws a a heavy dark green jacket at Patrick. "Try to fit your wings in there."

He pulls on the jacket and as he zips it repeats "ow ow ow ow ow."

When it's all zipped up he breathes out. "Okay I'm good."

Gerard snorts. "Just by talking to you both I can tell you influence each other a lot."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Every demon I've met threatens to kill me or something, and you're Satan's son. Is expect you to be the worst," He laughs, "also every damn angel is so much more innocent and fragile. I mean the best way to describe angels and demons is like a daddy and a little."

"A wha-"

"OKAY PATRICK COVER YOUR EARS." He rolls his eyes and does.

Gerard laughs more.

"He's still to innocent to know what that means. So many not mention that again." I say.

"I mean we're in a sex shop, dude. He's literally looks at a wall of dildos." Gerard looks at Patrick.

I whip my head to look at Patrick too. And just like Gerard said, he is staring at a wall of fucking dildos. "Fuck."

I turn Patrick to look at me and take his hands off his ears. "Stop."

"Alright alright."

"So where are you guys thinking of going?" Frank says, returning.

"Oh," I look at Patrick, "Yea we didn't think that through yet."

"If you work at the flower store or the sex shop, you can crash in our guest room. Our apartment is up those stairs," Gerard points at a set of colorful stairs, "it's really small and Frank and I barley fit together but whatever."

I smile. "That would be great...if it's not too much of a burden."

"Nah it's cool. Just watch out because I'm sure your dad is after you." Frank scratches the back of his neck.

I cuss. He's probably is.

"Alright, lovelies, welcome to your new life." Gerard tosses two blank name tags and a sharpie at us, "I'll guess and say Patrick will work flower shop with me and Pete will work sex shop with Frank?"

Patrick and I look at each other.

"Yea." Patrick smiles.


I really like this. I'm glad I made a part 2. Maybe I'd make a part 3 at some point. I just don't know where I'd go from here with out making this like 12 more parts.

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