Preacher's son 2

487 31 33

As I take communion, I start to think about my environment.

I'm surrounded by various people belonging to different families, all families seem to wear a similar color scheme. It's the 21st century, this is t supposed to be happening anymore. Families are supposed to be better than this.

I walk back over to the pews, falling into my seat and sliding down, kicking my feet at the kneeler. "Fuck yea." I mutter quietly.

After everyone has taken communion and is seated, the pastor stands at the front of the church and starts speaking. "I'd like to thank everyone for attending this mass. The lovely Hayley Williams and Tyler Joseph will end this mass will a song, everyone may exit the church or stay for a coffee in the parish center. This mass has now ended."

Most people get up and put on their raincoats, waving to other church members that are leaving, a blitz of noise erupts when Hayley and Tyler start the song. It's 'oh come, Emanuel.' Although I hate Christian music, I will admit the two really do have good singing voices. Tyler also is playing the piano.

I fly up and start for my parents. "Hey, are we going to the parish center or can we go home?"

My mom smiles and waves to an elderly couple. "Peter, what are you four?" My brother walks over.

"Dude, I just want to know." I put my arms up in defense.

"Well...I think we should. You met Father's son, Patrick, I believe was him name. He's only a year younger than you, I'm sure you two would get along nicely." My mother says.

I sigh. "Alright."

"I'm actually going to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Williams for a few minutes and tell them how well their daughter Hayley and her 'friend'" my mom nudges my shoulder and I cringe because I know for a fact Hayley is a lesbian, "sang. And your father will do with me."

"What about them." I point to my, again, arguing siblings.

"Peter, just go to the parish center. We'll catch up with you."

"Okay, Okay."

I walk out of the church and decide to walk through the rainy parking lot instead of the sidewalk with an umbrella like everyone else is. I slide around and laugh annoyingly, my clothes soaked and my boots filled to my ankles with water. I spin around and ignore the looks I'm gettin from the church members.

Soon enough I've completed forgotten my original goal to go to the parish center, and am just sliding around in the rain.

I notice a particular set of eyes on me, ones that belong to a porcelain boy who, according to my mom, is a year younger than me. He's beside his dad, the pastor, and they are making their way to the parish center.

The pastor rolls his eyes and says something to Patrick. Patrick nods and runs over to me.

The pastor goes into the center, and I watch a slightly pissed Patrick stomp through the rain. He's not wearing a jacket, and obviously cold.

I stop spinning and watch as he takes his final steps toward me. He's shivering and angry.

"Dude, can you like not be an ass and please be a normal person and just go to the parish center, my dad is very irritated with you." He speaks shakily.

"Hey..." I touch his arm, "you're cold?"

"Fucking obviously, dipshit." He looks at the ground.

"You swear a lot for the pa-"

"-astor's son, yea I heard that a million times, shut up."

"Someone's salty." I grab his arm and spin him in the rain.

"Stop!" I pulls away.

"What, What?" I say.

He just looks at me for a moment, eyes shooting daggers. Goosebumps cover his skin, his frail body shivering madly.

"You know my dad was right when he say you were trouble. You're a dick, now I'm going inside and if you want you can follow me or...OR YOU CAN JUST DANCE YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD OFF-"

I pull him into a hug, an arm wrapping around his waist and the other rubbing his back. I squeeze him tightly.

I don't know why I'm hugging him, I just feel the urge to. He seems so cold and frustrated, his hair falling in his face. I feel relief wash over me as he hugs back. His arms thrown around my neck, as well as his face nuzzled in my chest.

After a moment he roughly pushes me back. "Sorry..."

"'s fine, man. I liked the hug." I say calmly.

He turns back to look as the last of the people from the church enter the parish center or exit the parking lot in their cars. He then whips his head to face me again.

"Follow me."

Before I can say 'okay' he's tugging on my sweatshirt sleeve and pulling me towards another building near the church and parish center. "Ugh, Patrick?"


He leans back while walking, tugging me forward and forcing me to pull of his arm rough so he doesn't fall back.

"Where are we going?"

He stumbles a bit and stops walking backwards, meaning we collide. He's about to slip, but hook my arm under his ass an pick him up slightly. " t-tree house."

I let him down. "O-oh. Okay."

Patrick and I goofily dance through the rain, slow dancing occasionally. I carry him on my back for awhile and cans me his "trusty steed!"

"I ain't no steed, boy!" He laughs almost falling off and I decide to make a joke as i walk through the back gate, "but you can ride me any day."

I feel him tenses while I enter his backyard, a sick treehouse in front of us. "Pete, no. I'm not gay."


"Oh, um. Alright." I put him down.

He looks at me, "Yea...sorry. It's against the church and my dad would kill me if I..." He trails off.

He looks down at my lips, I look at his, biting down on mine.

"Sorry I...what was a sayi-"

I shut him up by grabbing his shirt and slamming our lips together. Patrick seems to forget what he was just saying about not being gay and how this is wrong because this feels so right.

He responds and puts his hands on my face and deepens the kiss, grabbing, kissing, tugging.

Let's say that treehouse a few feet away lost its innocence and I started attending church with a sly smile on my face knowing my lovely boyfriend would be there.

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