kinda wanna dye my hair, kinda wanna die in general

751 37 35

I can't look at myself in the mirror anymore.

I'm sitting in my dressing room before the show starts, my clammy hands rubbing against each other. I swallow hard and just look at myself. I stare at the long black strands of hair I have.

The lights are off and the mirror has been chipped away over time. I tilt my head and look at my black painted nails.

I call literally see the sweat on my hands.

I sigh and run my stick hands through my hair, the damaged locks falling back into place to form a fringe.

I make an angry expression and bang my hands on the vanity, again, and again.




There's a knock. "Wentz, you're on in twenty!"

that's Fall our boy's manager. We were started the show soon. Soon enough that I should be doing what I'm think of doing.

I scratch and slide my hair over my neck, examining how long my hair had grown out to be.

I can't brush off the stick feeling in my hands. It's some sort of mixture of sweat, candy, lotion, and cum.

there's another knock. huh, time flies I guess. We're probably going on so-

"Pete...?" I freeze.

"Yea, Patrick...?" I call back.

"Can...can I come in...?"

I just frantically rush over the door. I pull it open, I hinges hating me. I pull him in, he wears a lop sided concerned face and surprise at the force I use. I then slam the down shut and lock it just in time to see Patrick stumble to stand up straight.

"I...Ugh." Patrick adjusts his fedora, "why do you have scissors? you weren't-"

"I wasn't." I sit him down in the vanity chair, "never will again cut myself but in order for that to happen I need to cut something else."

I eye up the scissors and look at myself in the mirror, Patrick looks at me through the mirror too. "I'll help, as long as you're not hurting yourself. I'm assuming you mean you're cutting some out of your life."


Patrick turns to face me confused. I sit on his lap in the vanity chair, and I pull on a loose strand of my hair.

It hits Patrick. He gasps. "NO, YOU WOULDN'T."

"I want the fringe gone, and I want it blonde or something. Black and long reminds me of cutting and suicide attempts and Ashley." I reach out and lightly run my hair down the mirror at my reflection.

Patrick reached out and puts his hand over mine. "Your hands are moist."

"Partly because of my nerves, partly because of my hand being wrapped around your cock earlier." Pete says calmly.

Patrick's face flames up.


There's a final knock. "Pete, you're on in five! Get out here! Oh, and help me find Patrick! He's gone missing and we kinda need him for the show..."

Later that night...

"Are you sure your ready." Joe says holding the scissors.

"This is so exciting." Andy smiles.

The four Fall our boys are in me and Patrick's hotel room. I'm in a chair in the middle of the room, Joe hovering over me with scissors and blonde hair dye. Andy is sat in a chair, drinking a lemon seltzer water in a can with a straw, laughing. Patrick's recording the entire thing.

"C'mon, just do it!" Patrick yells out, giggling.

"Alright..." Joe trails off, pitting his hand on my head to hold me in place.

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to think happy thoughts. I'm actually doing this.

Andy and Patrick scream and giggle loudly as the first major chunk of hair falls on the floor.

"WHAT ARE WE DOING?!" Joe laughs

I smile and look at the hair on the floor, running my hair over he spot.

I smile wider. I love this. And let's just say the fans did too, as well as Patrick.

Patrick just liked seeing me happy.

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