six years in debt, still letting my sister take dance classes

616 31 7

Pete cusses as he parks his car in the lot. It's one of those multi-small business parking lots. He looks at his car clock:


He still has thirty minutes before he has to pick up his sister from dance class, but because he was paranoid he was gonna be late, he left early.

He thinks about hanging out in the CVS next to the small dance studio, but decided against it when he remembers that his bio chem teacher works here on the weekends. Fuck.

So he just slouches in his seat and groans.

Eventually he moans in annoyance and opens the car door dramatically, flinging himself out of the car.

"Stupid jess why do I let her even take dance anymore I'm literally broke as fuck I mean we have no food in the fridge and it's not like dad is any help the stupid alcoholic piece of shi-" Pete stops his stream of complaints as he enters the front of the studio.

"Hello, Peter!" Jesus fucking Christ I can't get a break can I

"Hi, Ms. Day! I'm sorry I'm so early, may I just sit out here until Jess's done?" Pete says with the most convincing smile he can.

"Of course! I've got a 5:45 class and it's 5:35 so I'm just going to start preparing my room for my students. I'll see you before you leave though, and you can call me Ciara." She winks.

Pete's pretty sure he just vomited in his mouth a little bit.

"Thank you...Ciara." He smiles.

As soon as she enters her room Pete sighs. Fuck this. His phone doesn't get WiFi in this old-ass building, so he just kicks the chair in front of him and rubs his temples, head in hands.

There are two studios in front of him, the class Ms.Day/Ciara is instructing. It's ballet with little kids. Ew. There is one boy wearing a tutu and giggling though so that's pretty funny.

Pete then looks at the other room, a few teenagers who seem to be doing some contemporary dance. (Pete knows pretty much all the types of dance, I mean Jess has been dancing for years so he naturally picked up on this kind of stuff.)

There's a girl and two boys, they seem to be rehearsing a trio. The girl leaps gently leaps around, with such poise. The two boys seem to be in a fuss over her, but fighting to dance with her. The dance ends with one of the boys wrapped around the girl and the other boy collapsed on the floor.

Well that's kinda weird.

The music stops and the boy and girl hug and smile, while the collapsed one just remains on the floor, panting.

The two exit the room and into the where Pete is, breathing heavy while packing up their bags. They didn't even say goodbye to their third part.

He's literally still laying on the floor.

"Well, I've got nothing better to do..." Pete mutters after looking at his watch:


He stands up and enters the small dance room. As he enters he can hear the boy talking to himself.

"Why can I never fucking do this right Jesus I'm so stupid what the hell is wrong with me oh my go-"

Pete cuts him off, sitting on the yoga ball in the corner opposite of the boy. "I though you did pretty good, man."

The boy's head shot up. He flinches and squeaks, pushing himself backwards away from Pete with his pale arms.

"Holy shit you scared me."

"Yea, sorry about that." Pete stands up and wanders closer to the boy.

He eventually hovers over him and reaches his hand out, the boy gladly taking it.


"Oh, ugh, Patrick..." the boy sighs out.

"Rerun that part where you spin around and gracefully fall, I have an idea." Pete says, looking around to see how much space he has.

"Dude, I literally just met you-"

Patrick gets cut off yet again by Pete. He turns on the music again.

Patrick rolls his eyes.

"Pretend I'm the girl!" Pete stands where she was.

Patrick looks confused, "what?"

"Bro, hands on my hips. I'm showing you how much more sick this could be, motherfucker." Pete says annoyed.

Patrick runs up to Pete and puts his hand on his hips.

"Do what you do, but jump once before you fall then do a spin or some shit then-"

"You don't make any goddamn sense!" Patrick yells, "I don't even fucking know you."

"Fine. I'll lead. You be the girl, I'll do your part better." Pete sasses.

"Oh my god okay." Patrick says SO annoyed.

The music gets to a specific part and they starts, Patrick doing the guy part with an image person, then turns to Pete. Instead of what Patrick does, Pete spins Patrick and after Patrick pushes him away gracefully, Pete spins and stretched his eg up a bit. "You'll actually be able to do this, I can cause I don't dance."

Pete then literally death drops like a fucking drag queen, but with a softer edge, and rolls onto his side. (how Patrick's part originally ended)

After the music stops, Pete pants and hugs Patrick. "Fuck yea."

Patrick laughs, what Pete just did looked a lot better then what he's been doing. The damn guy doesn't even dance.

"How old are you?" Patrick asks, smiling.

"Seven...teen." Pete goofily smiles, loving this boy's expression.

"and you've never da-"

Patrick is cut off by the sound of clapping.

The two turn to see Jess, eyes wide and frozen in place. She's always looked at to Pete, and seeing him dance his heart out like she does was the most rewarding feeling.

"Oh! Hi...Jess." Pete says nervously.

"That was beautiful..." she smiles so wide and run up to Pete, hugging him.

Patrick smiles sweetly.

Jess drags Pete out of the dance studio, Patrick smiling at him.

In the car...

"Was he as good?" Jess says as Pete pulls out of the parking spot.

"What?" Pete struggled to look out the back window and see if there's any cars behind him, trying to pull out still.

"Was he as good at dancing as mom was?"

Pete slams on the breaks, feeling tear gather slowly in his eyes. He shakes his head to try to to make them stop.


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