So you go to Catholic School?

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"Gee! Hey!" Frank calls over at Gerard.

Gerard just makes a loud 'EGH.' He's so frustrated. Frank rolls his eyes and just walks over to Gerard.

Gerard is frantically trying to get the table as set up for when the six students come in. Frank was setting up the camera, trying to de-stress the other middle school teacher.

Frank comes up behind Gerard, who is putting a tablecloth over the old piece-of-shit school table, and wraps his arms around his middle. He kisses Gerard's cheek and rubs his face against his.

Gerard instantly calms down a bit.

"I'm sorry, Frankie. I just want this to be cool."

You see, Frank works at Belleville public middle school. There's a shit ton of diverse kids and faculty. Gerard, however, works at St. Mary's Academy (a private Catholic middle school just down the street.) The two have been friends since freshman year of high school and boyfriends since Jr. year.

They were a bit disappointed when they got offered teaching jobs at different schools, but became more comfortable with the idea knowing they would only be down the street from each other, often having lunch together, and Gerard would crash Frank's chorus rehearsal for the School choir pretty often.

What the two were setting up for right know was a project the two had tried to get off the ground for awhile, they wanted the two schools to work more together as a School community. St. Marys didn't want to though...they, as a School council thought is was an "ungodly idea".

But the two did it was a lot of convincing and hard work.

"Okay," Frank places his hands on Gerard's hips and starts kissing his neck, "my three students will be here in twenty minutes, I said to come a bit later so your could get dressed out of there School uniform."

Gerard nods, continuing putting the table cloth on.

The project is to pick three kids from each of the two schools and have them dress in their regular clothes and act like how they would around their friends. All six would be meeting for the first time. (Even though each kid went to school with two others they had never met because of different classes/being in different grades, Frank and Gerard made sure of this.)

The catch was that none of the kids at Frank's public school would know what schools the others around them came from.

(Basically if you don't get it, the three Catholic school kids would all meet each other but the public schoolers would know any of the other kids and they will meet everyone for the first time and they all answer questions and the six kids get to know each other and then at the end, the public schoolers find out who the other public schoolers are and who the the private schoolers are. The point of this project is to prove that both types of kids can get along.)

The goal of this project was to prove that six kids, who have no knowledge of what school they go to (public or private, religious or not, big or small, Stu it or loose rules) could all get along.

Both teachers picked their favorite three students to offer to be apart of the project. All six said yes, of course.

Just as Frank finished the test run on recording, three plaid dresses kids walk in.

"Oh! Hey, guys! You can set your crap on the floor." Gerard says excited.

Frank smiles and walks over to the three. "Hello, I'm Mr.Iero. I'm friends with Ger-Mr.Way."

It's Catholic School Gerard worked at, no one could figure out he's gay~he could get fired.

A brown haired girl waves. "Hi! I'm Sarah!" she pints to the slightly taller boy next to her, "this is Ray, we've actually already met. We both go to the same basketball court for practice."

Ray shakes Frank's hand.

"And..." Gerard walks over and puts an arm around the smallest out of the three, "this is Patrick."

"Hi, I'm Patrick." Patrick snorts.

"Why is this so proper, Mr.Way?" Ray laughs, along with the other two students.

"I'm," Sarah laughs, "Why is the background rainbow?"

Frank thinks she's being homophobic and inhaled sharply, about to say something to her but Patrick starts talking before he can.

"It's just Gee's gay come out...get it? Coming out?" Patrick laughs at himself.

Gerard face palms and laugh. "Right."

"Alright, my little angel cakes that piss me off a lot, go get changed!" Gerard says after a moment.

The three nod and go to the bathrooms.

"Wow, they're more normal and less asshole-ish then I thought they'd be." Frank blurts out.

Patrick isn't in the bathroom just yet though, and the two teachers here a echo of 'LESS ASSHOLE-ISH?? BITCH IM A QUEEN SO RESPECT ME.' And Gerard sighs, Frank laughing hysterically.


Patrick yells back "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT." And enters the gender neutral bathroom.


Gerard giggled and wraps his arms around Frank's neck. "I love you." They kiss, then pulls away reluctantly.

After around ten minutes all three are done getting dressed and Sarah has put on some makeup. (it's not allowed at school)

"Okay," Gerard pulls out his seating chart, "when Frank's public school kids get here, I'll show you all were to sit."

The three nod.

Soon enough, three of Frank's students arrive and the six are all sat in chairs in separate sections of the room so they could see anyone else.

Frank and Gerard put blind folders on each child and lead them to sit. The seating arrangement is:


Gerard, one by one, takes off everyone's blind fold. Frank starts recording as he hears the groans and mutters of 'Ugh, it's so bright.'

Show time.

I'm planning on adding a part two because this is already pretty long so...I mean unless no one want to read it/no one actually understands what's going on. I feel like this is too confusing but whatever.

p.s. why do I actually hate this?

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