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Pete slides down the school stairs, it seems like his favorite high energy song is blaring. He feels great.

He scoots through the mass of kids, and to his locker. It's almost like the beginning of some movie, grabbing his books Pete smiles wide and faces down the hallway yet again to get to Art class. Fuck yea today is going great.

He slides, literally slides, into Mr. Way's classroom. He spots his friends and walk towards them.

"Whatup, brother?" Brendon and Pete do a handshake hug bro thing.

"Good day, sir." Ryan jokes, not looking up from his book.

"Heyo." Pete sits across from the two.

More kids shuffle in, taking seats and occasionally speaking with Mr. Way. One boy walks in and look around the room, then heads towards the table Pete, Brendon, and Ryan are at.

"Hey, can I um...sit? The only other spot is by Brent and I think he would kill me if I-"

"Dude, Brendon laughs, "chill, you can sit with us."

The boy smiles and pushes up his glasses.

His crimson cardigan and boots flow perfectly with his whole aesthetic, it's pretty cool. Kinda funny looking, but cool.

The class starts, and Pete realizes how actually nerdy this guy is. Pink art binder with a picture of bob Ross and David Bowie on the front, math work labeled 'bonus' slid in there too.

Pete snorts, and he looks up at him "What?"

"Oh nothing, nothing..." He turns away.

Brendon and Pete, knowingly, look at each other and mouth 'what?' while slightly laughing at the boy.

"I'm Pete by the way, lil dude." Pete smirks.

"Oh! Uh,, nice to meet you, Pete." He sticks his hands out awkwardly.

Pete sighs and shakes it, Ryan rolling his eyes at the whole situation as Brendon starts hysterically laughing.

The boy's face beams red as he pulls his hand back.

Next day...

"PETE WAKE THE FUCK UP." Brendon yells at him.

"Bren, calm please...we're in the library." Ryan sighs.

"Also classes don't start for another fifteen minutes or so." Dallon eats more of his ego waffle.

Pete doesn't even pick his head up off the table, not really giving a shit anymore.

"Kill me." Pete mutters into the table.

"Hey, can I sit-" a new voice appears

Pete's too tired to think if he knows it or if it's just a random person who'll now sit with them.

"Yea, yea." Brendon tries not to laugh, kicking me like something funny just happened.

Pete's head shoots up.

"Brendon ow what the fu-"

He stops mid-sentence when he sees the person in front of him, striking flower blue eyes, a bleach-blonde sweet piece of ass. Tight black jeans with a shirt just a little too short, pale porcelain skin and thin, red lips.

Oh fuck.

"There's a seat next me." Pete rushes out.

The person raises an eyebrow and seats themselves next to me. Brendon is laughing so hard, Ryan glaring at him.

"You know, there was the biggest nerd sitting next to me in Mr. Way's art class yesterday and it's a nice change to have someone..." Pete bites his lip, "...more attractive next to me."

The person raises both eyebrows.

Brendon looks at Pete with a look of confusion and slightly horrified. Then he starts dying laughing again. Ryan even cracks a smile and starts laughing softly. Dallon's confused.

"What?" Pete asks.

"Pete," the person starts, "that was me. I was just wearing my glasses."

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