The end

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Writing this has been quite the adventure.

This stupid oneshot book has become the ultimate escape from reality. I'm constantly writing in here and, for the most part, have updated this ever two days. Between the unbalanced chemicals in my brain that make me depressed, or angry, or sad, or suicidal; and my horrid lack of sympathy, this has been the goddamn thing I've turned to.

I really like writing, and writing over 50 oneshots has really helped me develop my style of writing. I'm so happy this is the one thing I could have commitment to.

But, like all good things...this book has come to an end. It's the end of he road, welcome to the final chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed this weird-ass experience of cute, sad, angry, lllllllustful, and goofy little stories.

And I think with this coming to an end, I'll be starting a new book.

A full book, it's called Fallen Kingdom and it's peterick with a few other dudes in it. (Travis, Brendon, Gerard, etc.) Surprisingly, it's not about an actual castle and horses kingdom falling apart—so I guess you'll just have to read it to find out.😎😎😎

(I'm an asshole)

But yeah, this book is over. I'll see you in comments in Fallen Kingdom.


Goodbye now.

Here's emo Pete^^

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Here's emo Pete^^

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