i mean

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"nononono, Andy. Gerard and Frank are the OTP, not Brendon and Ryan." Joe says to his friend sitting next to him on the bus.

The two were sitting in the back of the school bus. In the front are the popular kids, in the middle are the regular kids, and the back is the emo kids. Joe and Andy are both very emo, obviously.

"But I mean, did you see Brendon yesterday? He totally popped a boner in fifth, and who was the only one with him...RYAN THATS WHO." Andy rarely yells and Joe just laughed.

"Alright, whatever." Joe picks at his short black painted nails.

The bus slows. The middle schoolers just gets louder, a few kids get on the bus and file to their section of the bus. A few familiar faces appear.

"SHUT UP, BITCHES. THE QUEEN AND HIS KING HAVE ARRIVED." Joe and Andy laugh at the easily recognizable voice.

Pete sassy walks down the bus isle, kids snickering and rolling their eyes at him, one even muttering a quiet 'fag.'

Patrick smiles, giggling, as he watches Pete strut in front of him.

"Wazzzupppp." Pete says loudly, sitting in the row behind Joe and Andy, pushing Patrick down next to him in the window seat.

"Aye, emo Queen." Joe says.

"Why are you the queen if you're a boy?" Patrick asks.

"Cause you're my king and there can't be two king." Pete says obviously.

"But he's a bottom, he should be the queen." Andy mumbles.

Pete and Joe just burst into dying laughter, their whole bodies moving and Andy smiles~proud of himself for his funny comment.

"Guys! It's not funny!" Patrick whine-yells.

"It's pretty funny, hun." Pete says, wiping his eyes because he is tearing up from laughing so hard.

Non of the boys were dating. Not Joe and Andy, not Patrick and Pete, no Brendon and Ryan, and not Gerard and Frank. All of them were just trying to find their place in the world, not really focusing on each other and attraction~that is until middle school hit. Now they drool over each other and try express their feeling towards one another, without being too obvious of course.

The bus ride continues with Andy and Joe chatting, and Patrick pouting next to Pete.

"C'mon, Pattycakes...he was joking." Pete says.

"I mean he's right but still." Patrick mutters.

Pete scoffs. "You've never even had sex, dude."

Patrick turns and look at Pete with a glare. "Of course I haven't, we're in eighth grade, Pete. Like, you haven't either, but you know you're a top."

Pete thinks for a second. "Okay, true, you got a good point there."

The two boys hear Andy and Joe yelling at each other. "NO, SPACE INVADERS IS GREAT. AND NO IM NOT TRYING TO FIT IN BY BLEACHING MY HAIR." Joe yells.

Patrick and Pete laugh.

"These bus rides seem to get longer and longer." Patrick says.

Pete laughs more. "Yea, they do...so how are we gonna pass the time..?"

He bites his lip and looks at Patrick.

"Ugh...I don't kno-" Patrick freezes as he feels Pete slide his hand to rub the back of his neck, "-ow whatdoyouthinkPete."

Patrick holds his breathe as Pete hand trails down his back, Pete still smiling at him.

"We could just be silent, listen to the loud yells of other kids." Pete hand creeps down to Patrick's hip and pulls his closer to himself so their thighs are touching.

"Y-Yea, sure." Patrick says.

They sit for a moment, doing exactly what Pete said to do~sit in a peaceful silence.

Then Pete had to fucking ruin it.

He buries his head into Patrick's neck, causing Patrick's breathe to hitch.

Pete then starts kissing his neck.

No one can actually see this though. This is because Patrick is in the window seat, meaning everyone around them except the people in front of them and behind them (and they would still need to look over the seat), can only see Pete's head on Patrick's shoulder.

Pete's hand tightens on Patrick's hip as he starts sucking on his neck.

Patrick doesn't know wtf to do.

He just whines quietly, and Pete smirks.

Then, Joe and Andy spin around to talk to Pete and Patrick.

"Okay, honest opinion. Spider-Man or Deadpo-OLY SHIT, ANDY COVER YO-"


Pete immediately pulls away from Patrick, a goofy smile on his face. "Oh hey guys."

"Andy stop breaking the fourth walls." Joe face palms.

"What?" Pete says.

"Oh nothing." Andy replies.

Patrick is still horrified. "Um, you know Pete and I aren't together, um,  we'll never be together that's gross I swear we're not dating."

"Oh, well fuck me, man." Pete mumbles sounding a bit disappointed.

Joe starts "oh, no. You two are totally together. New OTP." Andy nods, agreeing.

"I mean if you really want me to, Pete..." Patrick mumbles thinking no one heard him.

"What?" Pete says.

Patrick's face flushes red. "I MEAN AS IF ANYONE WOULD WANT TO."

So that was long.

Also, you ready for my age...even through no one gives a shit...

I'm literally 13.

If you think middle schools are too young to neck kiss and whatnot well...this oneshot proves you wrong. ((This oneshots is semi-based off real events with my friends.))

So I'm a little baby, only 13. I bet I write like a middle schooler, shitty. hA, do I suck at writing? Probably.

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