brown eyes r pretty 2

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Patrick smiles at the camera next to him. He leans back into his chair and chuckles softly.

"Hello! Welcome back to this stupid fucking podcast." An interviewer laughs into his microphone.

Patrick laughs with him.

"My name is Shane and today I'm joined with the one and only Patrick Stump," Patrick waves, "and he will do today's podcast with me...lovely to have you, Patrick, my queen."

"Pleasure to be here."

"Um, awesome!" Patrick takes a sip of coffee while the Shane speaks, "also, as always, Lauren..."

"Uh hi." Lauren awkwardly laughs.

Patrick and Shane laugh too. Shane and Lauren seem like nice interviewers to Patrick.

"No, but uh this is the Shane and Friends podcast and Patrick Stump is here," he laughs out, "and we're going to talk about fall out boy drama, music, and your going on tour this summer for mania, correct?"

"Yea, yea. We set out April...something," everyone laughs, "I-I can't remember what day exactly sorry." Patrick chuckles.

"Okay! Perfect you'll fit right in here, we all are horrible at remembering things so here we go!"

Patrick adjusts his headphones and smiles.

"So the first thing I wanted to bring up there any drama surrounding Fall our boy?" Shane laughs and Lauren hits his arm.

"Shane! You-you snake you can't ask that!" She chuckles.

Patrick laughs out.

"Hey! I just want to know! I know I'm a snake, I just thirst for the drama!"

"Um well...let's see, "Patrick thinks for a moment, "there isn't really any drama that goes on with us."

There's silence until Shane mutters


They all laugh again.

"Well I mean within Fob we argue and won't talk to each other and now that I think about it the four of us act like a high school couple with issues a lot." Shane snorts then covers his mouth.

"Sorry but me." He smiles.

"Mood honestly." Lauren mumbles.

Shane and Patrick laugh.

"No but seriously we do! Actually there was a lot of drama back in the 2000s surrounding Pete—he was seen as a wild-child type character. I mean we can all remember the dick pic and when his ex-wife failed at lip synced on SNL—and that stuff wasn't good for his name," Shane and Lauren nod, "but I've known Pete since senior year of high school, he was 22 at the time, and he is just the greatest dude. And the media knows us at a huge dynamic duo-"

"I'm sorry I'm going to stop you there, but I have a question." Shane says.

"Okay." Patrick smiles.

"What's it like—cause I know that as a YouTuber I've gone through many friendships and relationships and had been apart of a YouTube duo like me and Joey Graceffa or me and Liza Schwartz— apart of this duo-type relationship with Pete for decades? Because like, you can't think about Pete without thinking about you too, or other way around."

"We get each other so well. You have no idea, no really does except for us, without sounding like an asshole, I say that we have this odd connection and way of working with each other I can't describe. And it's not just the way we make music. It's how we cope with his bipolar disorder and my anxiety, how we help each other. It's like...uh, during the four years we took off and I did a solo album, Pete had just gotten divorced and we were both very alone. Our creative process ties in with not only music but how we survive—how we thrive and it's amazing to share it with world, but also frustrating never being able to show how I can do the smallest thing, the smallest cry for help, and he knows exactly what to do—you know."

"" Shane snorts, "Sorry, that's really gay." He laughs, and Patrick smiles weakly, "no but seriously that's like have a second you right?"

"A me that is so different though. We are so different, I mean look at us...But it's unspoken. I would give everything for him." Patrick's cheeks flare red.

"Okay, really gay." Shane snorts again and Lauren rolls her eyes.

"I guess so," Patrick chuckles, "we never really talk about our status as best friends or brothers or lovers or twins or whatever—we just coexist beautifully." Patrick sips his coffee.

"Lovers?" Lauren asks.

"Like I said...ugh, never talked about it." Patrick say quietly.

"O...kay." Shane nods a bit confused, "you said you guys were very different, how?"

"He is a poet. A sport-loving, masculine, tough, bass playing, hardcore motherfreaking poet," they all laugh again and room shifts comfortably again, "any of the memorable lyrics in our songs go to him. Like 'sometimes before gets better, the darkness gets bigger, the person that you take a bullet for is behind the trigger', 'blood cell pixelate and eyes dilate', 'I'm half doomed and you're semi sweet'—that's all him. I'm a composer. I create sound. Andy said once that I made the world and Pete added the details, and that's the way we do everything. Then Joe, being Joe, said that it's because Pete has brown-hazel eyes and I have blue eyes."

Shane nods and tilts is head. "What does eye color have to do with it?"

"Something about how the drastic difference of the two colors Joe said. Pete's thought about and said that my eyes reflect me and my work ethic. Like my eyes are light personality and tries to be worry free but has tons of anxiety and stress, clean rooms with neat piles of clothes, pure smile, the day time's sky, flowery smells, soft and fragile. His eyes are darker, coffee tones with no sleep, messy work area, morning wood," they laughs, "breakable leaves that try to shield themselves with using thorns and aggression. Pete's words."

Shane and Lauren look at each other astonished.

Shame speaks, "that's...I can't even find the word, but that's no joke one of the best things I've ever heard," he speaks directly to the microphone, "to the people tuning in and don't know a lot about fall out boy I 100% recommend to start doing that."

Patrick chuckles, "thank you."

"I love how we've spent the time we were supposed to talk about drama and like five topic we just listened to Patrick gush about Pete." Lauren giggles.

Patrick's face goes beet red again. He laughs nervously.

"Well I guess we'll just have to skip that because I'm very satisfied with this conversation and we can move on to our next segment, you cool with that, Patrick?"

"Of course."

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