Lonely Bedframe

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"I-I'm sorry..." Patrick mutters.

Pete just hushes him and wrapped his arms around his small frame.

"You're fine."

Patrick continues to stare up at the ceiling. Pete nuzzling his face into his neck, leaving small kisses.

"I swear it's okay if you're hurt." Patrick cringes at his choice of words.

"I...I'm not hurt. It's just a little off putting to see your boyfriend cutting. I mean, we need money because we're broke and we're having a rough time right now, but I would rather stab myself in the face than have you do that."

Patrick breathes out.

"Baby, you're fine." Pete whispers when he realizes Patrick's shaking.

"I-I j-j-just wanted t-to f-figure this   o-out-"

Pete silences the crying, shaking boy by kissing him. It's slow and sweet.

"I love you." Pete pull Patrick onto of him.

Patrick wraps his arms around Pete's neck and rests his head on Pete's chest.

"I love you too."

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