Man tf up Patrick

813 34 43

'You can do this Patrick.

You can do this Patrick.

You can do this Patrick.

You can do this Patrick.

Yea, no, haha FUCK.'

"Pattycakes, you okay in there?" Patrick's Head shoots up as he hears his door being knocked on.

He panics and pulls up his pants and throws the needle on his bedside table, under a book.

"I'm fine, Pete! Come on in!" Patrick tries to put on a happy face, but the tears sliding down his cheeks seems to ruin the illusion.

Pete opens the door, and what he sees is a broken, crying, shaking teenager who's smiling.

Pete doesn't say anything, he knows what's happening; he can see the needle under the same book as last time. He just silently closes the door behind him and walks up to Patrick.

"Oh, sweetheart..." he caresses Patrick's cheek.

Patrick just lets it all out. Tears fall fast, he starts shaking out of control, and starts clinging into Pete. He wrap his arm arm Pete stomach and buries his face into Pete's neck.

Pete just hushes him and rests his head on Patrick's.

"You want me to do it...? You won't even have to look, Trick..."

Patrick just nods his head and moves back. Pete picks him up and places him laying down on his bed.

He reaches over and knocks the book over and into the floor. He picks up the needle carefully, turning to Patrick.

"You ready, honey?" Pete says leaning over Patrick.

Patrick nods but whimpers and covers his face. "Petey..."

"Shhh, I know. I know." Pete grabs Patrick's thigh and his breathe hitches.

"Here we go..." Pete mumbles.

He pushes the tip of the needle into Patrick's leg. He pushed the end down and as soon as the meds are in Patrick, but pulls it out gently.

Patrick just starts crying more.

"Owe owe owe owe..." he claws at his face.

Pete kisses his forehead, and places his head over Patrick's. "I'm so proud of you, Patrick."

"Thank you, Pete."

"No problem. You don't like needles, I get it." Pete smiles and kisses Patrick's forehead.

"I hate having to be on testosterone." Patrick sighs, rubbing his leg.

"I know you do, Patty. I know." Pete cuddles close to Patrick, his head on Patrick's binded chest.

HAPPY MARCH 22nd!!!!

we love you, my chem.

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