2. Project

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~ Grei's POV ~

"What are you even doing in a bush?" I asked Baekhyun.

"Ehh... I ran away from my sasaengs yesterday night. We're heading towards the airport because I'm just done from having a photoshoot here. But, the sasaengs blocked our way, I have no choice but to hide. On the exact time, you stopped in front of me so I thought of maybe you can help me that's why I grab your wrist that time."

"When are you going back to Seoul?"

"It depends if the airport will be cleared by the guards immediately then, I can go home. But, if they can't, I still have to stay here."

"I'm fine with it." I said, "Thanks by the way." I just gave him a nod.

My phone suddenly vibrated.

Cyan: I'm on my way to your condo.

My eyes widened, "My best friend is coming here!" Waahhh! I forgot, we're going to do the project.

"So what?" Baekhyun asked chilling in the couch.

"She know you, even your co-members. What if because of her excitement she posted on her social accounts that you're here in my condo?"

Baekhyun's left eye brow raised up, "She's your best friend, you can tell her that don't post or be too loud about this."

"You don't know that girl!"

"Am I going to hide now?"

"What do you think, jerk?!"

"Did you just called me jerk?"

"Yes! Go and hide or locked yourself up on your room for a while."

He shook his head, "Why would I?"


"OH.MY.GOSH!!" I looked at Cyan who had just entered my condo.

"Ahh... Ehh... Cyan—"

"I have to post this on my social accounts! I have to send this to my friends! Waaahhh! Finally, I saw one of the members in EXO." She took her phone out from her pocket and started to type.

I just shrugged and sat on the couch and opened my laptop, I saw on my peripheral how Baekhyun fainted.

Don't believe me? Well, regret what you've said a while ago.

My eyes widened when Baekhyun suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Waaahhh! Stop your best friend! I might be put in danger!"

"She's just going to post it, don't worry." I said, "Waahhh! Pleaseeeee!"

This guy is freaking annoying!!!!

"Waaahh! Grei, why did you took my phone?!!" Cyan tantrums when I took her phone and deleted the things that she had posted on her accounts.

"Don't you dare to tell anyone about this or else you will do your project alone."

"Waahhh! I won't post anymore." I returned her phone back to her.

"I will hack your accounts if you don't stop that, understood?"


"Come here, start doing the project." And I patted the vacant couch beside me.

"Baekhyun." I called, "Hmm?" He asked. "Go upstairs."

"But Grei—" Cyan was about to stop me when I glared at her.

"Goodluck on your project, Grei. Just call me upstairs if you need something." I just gave Baekhyun nod before he went upstairs.

"You're unfair! Why did you told him to go upstairs!"

"You can't focus if he stay here in front of you." Cyan rolled her eyes and bring back her attention to the project.

I know this girl beside me very well...

*   *   *

"I'll go now, Grei." I nodded at Cyan as she turned around and left.

"Finally! She left already, that was close. Thanks again by the way."

"Don't be feel so easy next time." I said and went to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I should listen to you." He said. "Are you going to cook?" He sat on the dining chair.

"Yeah, what do you want to eat?"

"I'm fine with everything."


While eating, me and Baekhyun are just talking some sort of stuffs. "So, does your friends know about this?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe my manager told them or maybe not. I have to call them later."

"Ahh..." After eating, I cleaned the dishes and washed it.

I went to the living room and saw Baekhyun raising up his phone. Maybe he's having a skype with his friends.

"Oh guys, I want you to meet Grei." Baekhyun turned his phone on me. I just gave them a wave.

"She's the one who helped me." Baekhyun said and turned the phone on him again.

"I'll go upstairs, Baek." He nodded as I went upstairs and entered my room.

I just hope I can help Baekhyun to go back to his country...

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