15. Hurts

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» Grei's POV «

I chuckled when I saw how Sehun and Chanyeol were tired, they're sleeping at the back while Baekhyun is the one who's driving and I'm at the front seat beside the driver's seat.

I looked at my phone, February 13, 20xx. My eyes widened when I then realized that tomorrow is my birthday. Funny right? It's exactly in Valentines even I don't have any sweetness in my body.

But, it was suddenly disappeared when I remembered that, what's the sense of it? I'm not usually celebrating my birthday.

Even Cyan and Hiro don't know about it, because I don't have a social account.

I just set a note in my phone, saying that it's my birthday tomorrow. In that way, I'll feel that, I'm still alive and can breath in this world.

I just shook my head, it's been 10 years since my family left me. Tss, they're so unfair, they left me.

"Hey, you ok?" I turned to Baekhyun and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired." I lied.

"You can sleep for a while, I'll just wake you up later."

"No, I don't want you to leave awake."

"Well, I can't join you to sleep while driving." We both chuckled.

And the silence came all over the car again, it was broke when my phone rang.


"Advance Happy Birthday, Black."

I unconsciously smiled. "Thanks, Li."

"I think i'm the only one who knows that tomorrow is your birthday?"

"Yeah, no one knows about it. So, I'm expecting you."

"Hmmm? I think I can't make it, Black."

My smile exchanged with a sad one.

"It's ok, I'm not that important."

"You are! Even you're his ex. You're still important, especially to me duh!" And I can imagine how he rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm really ok. It's ok, Li."

"Black, I hate that tone."

"Li, It's ok. Don't worry."

"I'll call you tomorrow to greet you alright?"

"It depends if I'll hate you or not."

I can imagine how he glared at me.

"Yah! I'll visit you to your dream."

"You're speaking too much, I'm tired."

"Ok, take care of yourself. You're important to me, ok?"

"Yeah, you too. Take care."

"Good night, Black."

"Good night, Li." I hanged up and I can see in my peripheral that Baekhyun is taking a glance.

"Who's Li?" He asked while looking at the road.

"Nothing, my friend." My so very especial friend, well he's really Lulu's younger brother and he's really so close to me since we're on the same age.

"Oh... We're here." I looked outside and we're in front of my condo. "I'll wake up this guys." I said and went out as I turn to the back door.

"Yah Yeol, Sehun. Wake up." I said while shaking Yeol and Sehun's arm.

Do you know what is their position? Chanyeol's head is resting on Sehun shoulders, while Sehun's feet was on the top of Chanyeol's legs.

"Hmmm! 5 minutes." I face palmed, and saw Baekhyun opened the door beside Sehun and helped me from waking them up.

"Yeol!" I said, making him opened his eyes. "Wake up, you're like a lazy giant monster." I said and took my bag from his side.

He rubbed his eyes before standing up, I rolled my eyes and went inside my condo because the key is on me.

I saw Kyungsoo in front of the door, "How long were you standing there?" I asked.

"Not that long." I nodded and open the door.

I entered my condo and I felt that Kyungsoo followed me behind.

I just went in my room as I locked it, I took off my shoes since it really hurts like hell.

I sighed, I went out from my room and went to the kitchen. I saw Kyungsoo there, holding an ice?

"Sit down." He told me, I don't know but I just followed him.

He reached out from my feet, my eyes widened. How did he...?

"I saw how you walk a while ago." He suddenly spoke up, not looking at me.

We stood silence and after a while, he let go of my feet. "Done." He said.

I stood up, but I got back from my seat because my feet hurts again.

My eyes widened when Kyungsoo brought me into his arms with a bridal style.

I saw how the members followed us with their gazes. Kyungsoo brought me into my room and placed me gently onto my bed.

"Thanks." I said.

"Just call me if you need something." He said before going out from my room.

Ok... That was sudden.

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