18. Listener

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» Grei's POV «

I don't know but I felt that I'm not breathing anymore, their encounter is something that I can't explain.

It took some minutes before Hiro turned to me, he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"What are they doing here? Don't tell me you let them live here?" I bit my lower lip.

"Sorry... Hiro." I heard him sighed and pulled me towards him. Well, I'm comfortable when he's hugging me because he's my bestfriend.

My eyes widened when someone pulled me away from Hiro, "Too fast, huh?"

"S-sehun..." I mumbled.

"And who are you?" Hiro asked.

"You don't have to know, what are you even doing here?"

"I'm here because I'm her bestfriend, If I didn't came here I won't know that she's hiding something from me already."

Hiro looked at me, "Hiro..." I called him out, but he just smiled, a sad one. "I must go, Grei." He turned around and left.

"Hey," Sehun called me, but I can't look at him because I can feel the hot liquids forming on my eyes.

"Black! Are you ok?" I raised up my head and ran towards Li and hugged him tight.

"He's mad at me." I whispered.

"Shhh, it's ok." I felt his arms embraced me back.

"He's mad at me, Li. What am I going to do?"

*   *   *

I woke up and realized that I'm in my bed already, how did that happened?

I just remembered that Hiro... Hiro! He's mad at me!

I took my phone and dialed his number, it's just ringing but no one is answering.

"Damn it Hiro!" I yelled.

"If you need something, just call me."

Right! I took my phone and typed a text. If you're going to ask me where I got each member's numbers. It's from Chanyeol, he gave me each member's number.

Me: Hey, can you come here to my room?

It took some seconds and then I got a reply. He just replied sure.

I went to the balcony, He's mad at me...

I heard the door creaking, I turned around and saw Kyungsoo. I smiled at him as he closed the door and went beside me.

"Are you ok now?" He asked.

"Actually... No, that's why I need a listener."

"Oh, I'm ready to listen." He said, I smiled and looked at the things in front of us.

"He's mad at me..." I whispered.

"Do you know that... You're whispering that, while you're sleeping?"

My eyes widened and looked at him, "R-really?" He suddenly laughed. "Your eyes is exactly like mine." We both laughed.

"At least I made you laughed." He said, smiling. "Thanks, Kyungsoo."

"I don't know if I should ask you this, but who's that guy who just pulled you out?"

"He's Hiroshima Takuro, my bestfriend."

"Ahhh, that's why you let him hugged you."

"Y-you saw that?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah."

"But, why you didn't act like what Sehun did?"

He shrugged, "I thought that time, maybe he's important to you that's why you let him hugged you. But, Sehun? He's just overreacting that's why he act that way."

I smiled that's why he frowned. "What's with that smile, you're acting weird."

I shook my head, "You're full of 'Words of Wisdom'" We both chuckled.

It's really better to have a listener...

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