38. Opinion

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» Grei's POV «

"Sehun, Xiumin." I called them, I can feel the member's stares at me especially... Suho.

"Y-yes?" They both asked, are they really guys?

I just stared at them with my emotionless eyes, "Let's talk.." I said and went back to my room.

» Xiumin's POV «

"Uh-oh." Chanyeol said when Grei entered her room.

Sehun stood up and went to her room, I stood up as well and followed Sehun.

I closed the door since I'm the last who entered, I saw Grei and Sehun is on the balcony.

I walk towards them, and went beside Grei. So, she's between me and Sehun.

We stood silence for a while and then...

"I want to talk to the two of you because I want to ask for your opinion." I looked at her, opinion?

"You two knew my past, about them both." I know what she's talking about.

"I want to tell him already." I frowned, "Which him?" I asked.

"My brother..."

"What about your boyfriend?" Sehun asked.

"If I'm done talking with my brother then I'll tell it to him. Is this the right time to tell it to my brother?" She asked.

"It's been 14 years, I think it's time." Sehun said. Grei looked at me, waiting for my answer. I smiled, "Sehun is right."

» Grei's POV «

After I talked with Xiumin and Sehun, they leave my room.

I looked at the sky, it's now 5 pm. I'll tell it to him by 7 pm. Because that's the exact time when he left with my parents even he doesn't want to.

I sighed, I'm so nervous... What if he won't accept me?

I looked at the sky, "Mom? What if my brother won't accept me? What if he won't believe me? What if... He leave me?" I sighed because of that thought.

"I miss you Junmyun oppa."

*   *   *

I went out from my room and went to the kitchen.

I saw all of them they're not yet starting to eat.

I sat beside Xiumin, "Ehem, let's start to eat." Kyungsoo said.

~ 6:58 pm ~

"Hey," Sehun sat beside me. I'm now here in the stairs in front of the door. "Calm down." He said.

"Sehun, what if he don't accept me? What if he leaves me just like what they did 14 years ago?"

"Shh, I know Suho hyung so much. He won't do that." I sighed, "I hope so."

I glanced at my wrist watch and it's 6:59. I took a deep breath.

"1 minute." I said, he stood up. "Should I call him now?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and nod. He smiled and patted my shoulder before going back to the condo.

I looked at the sky, I really love how the stars shines. "Mom... Please guide me."

"Hey," I turned around and gulped when I saw Suho oppa. "It's cold out here." He said and took off his jacket and put it on me.

"T-thanks..." Ahhhh! I'm so nervous.

He sat beside me and stared at the sky as well.

I glance at my wrist watch, waaahhh! I'm so nervous.

"S-suho..." he looked at me and smiled, "Suho... oppa."

He didn't react but... he smiled.

He suddenly hugged me causing me to froze on my own seat. "I've been waited for so long for this moment."

"W-what?" I asked, stuttering.

He pulled away and smiled, "My memories came back, yesterday..."

I smiled and hugged him, I felt my tears starts to fell down to my cheeks.

"I love you." He said, I smiled, "I love you too." I looked at the sky, thank you, and also thank you... MOM.

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