49. News

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» Grei's POV «

We're now heading home and our seating arrangements were still the same.

I yawned and Baek looked at me, he smiled and gently held my head and made my head rest on his shoulder.

I closed my eyes and took a sleep...

*   *   *

"Grei..." I opened my eyes and saw Baekhyun, there's no members left in the van and only the two of us.

"Yah, get up." He said, I smiled and we went out from the van.

We entered the condo and saw Suho, Xiumin and Sehun on the living room. "This two! Yah, it's night already. It's time to rest and time to separate." Xiumin said.

"Yeah, Xiumin is right. Come on now." Suho said and stood up as he entered their room.

"I'm just going to bring her to her room." Sehun nodded before following his hyungs to their room.

Me and Baekhyun went to my room, he put my bag down on my bed.

"Go to sleep now." He said.

"I'll wait for you to leave."

"Ok then." He pecked on my lips that made me smile, "Good night, babe." He said.

"Good night, Baek." I hugged him before he smiled and went out from my room.

I went to the bathroom and change into comfortable clothes.

I lay down on my bed and put my blanket on as I closed my eyes.

*   *   *

I went out from my room and went to the kitchen, as usual I saw Kyungsoo.

"Good morning, Kyungsoo." He smiled at me, "Good morning, Grei."

I took a glass and pour it with water from the dispenser.

"Do you want a coffee?" Kyungsoo asked.

I smiled, "Yes! You're the best." He nodded and smiled.

My phone rang so I took it out from my pocket and went to the living room where no members is still awake.


"Is this Ms. Grei Sandoval?"

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"This is EXO's manager, the boys is not answering their phones. I just wanted to tell you that the members can go home now because the airport is now clear. No more sasaengs and fans were blocking the way. I hope this news will reach them, and can you give me your address so that we can pick the boys up?"

"Y-yes, sir. I-i'll text it to you."

"Thank you, Ms. Sandoval."

The phone call ended, I felt myself shaking while typing my address and sent it.

Baekhyun, we're just starting but why do we have to end that fast?

"Grei... Are you ok?" Kyungsoo entered the living room.

I sighed, "Your manager called me."

His eyes widened, "Really? What did he said?"

"T-the airport is now clear, and you guys can go home n-now... Your manager will pick you up t-tomorrow, please i-inform your friends." I went to my room and locked it.

Tears starts to fell down to my cheeks, Baek, is this a goodbye?

» Baekhyun's POV «

"Yah, Kyungsoo why do you keep on knocking on her door?" I asked when I got out from my room, I saw Kyungsoo knocking and calling out Grei's name.

I walled towards him, "She's locking herself up after our manager call her and told her that the airport are clear and we can go home now."

I suddenly felt nervous... What if SM won't agree to our relationship?

Now, it's my turn to knock on her door. "Grei? Hey, can you open the door?" Even I'm so nervous I forced myself to speak calm.

"Grei?" But she didn't replied. "Sh*t." I mumbled and went back to our room.

"Suho hyung! Where's the key of Grei's room?" I asked. They all looked at me, confused when I suddenly shifted my mood.

"Here, what happened?" I didn't answered and took the key.

I went back to Grei's room and opened it, I entered and saw Grei... Crying.

I ran towards her and cupped her face, I made her look at me. "Babe, hey..." she looked at me but avoided my gaze.

"Hey, don't be like that. You're hurting me." I want to joke around, but I can't. I know the reason why she's being like this.

"Leave me alone..." I felt the hot liquids forming on my eyes. This is the third time that I'm going to cry, but this time it's because the girl that I love wants me to go away.


She looked at me, with her teary-eyes. "I'm sorry. But, please... I have to think."

I looked down and felt that my tears fell from my eyes.

I stood up and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

I closed the door and the guys approached me, "Hey, I think she just need to think don't worry we know she loves you." Chanyeol said and patted my shoulder.

I still love you even you're pushing me away, Grei.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now