46. Beach

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» Grei's POV «

"Babe..." I opened my eyes and an angelic face welcomed my morning.

I smiled, "Good morning, Baek." I said, he smiled back. "Let's go, Suho set a private beach and we're going there. There's quiet few people but only artists can go there."

I sat up and Baek helped me, "He spent money again?" I asked.

"He just want to spend some time with you." I pouted, "Only him?"

He chuckled, "Me too." And he kissed the tip of my nose.

"I'm just going to do my routine."

"I'll wait for you here." I nodded and went to my cr.

I did my routine and went out from the cr, I saw Baek as he smiled at me. "Let's go?" I nodded as we went out from my room.

We went to the kitchen and we sat on the dining chair.

"Good morning." The members greeted us. "Good morning." I answered.

"Grei, did you packed your things up?" Suho asked, I shook my head. "Not yet, but I'm going to bring few of my clothes."

Suho nodded, and we start to eat. I looked at Baek when he held my hand under the table.

He just smiled at me, I continued eating using my one hand.

Sehun dropped his fork and after he took it from the floor, he looked at me smirking. I think he saw our held hand.

After eating, I went to my room and packed up immediately.

After packing, the door opens and I saw Baek. He smiled at me, "Are you ready?" I nodded as he took my bag. "Then, let's go." And we went out from my room.

We headed outside and I saw a van, Baek opened the door for me as I entered.

Xiumin is on the driver's seat, Kyungsoo is on the front seat. Chanyeol is on the first row on the left side, Sehun is on the center together with Kai and Chen is on the right side. On my left is Baek, I'm on the center, and Suho is on my right.

We start to drove off, I felt Baek's hand on mine, he intertwined his fingers to mine.

Baek took his handkerchief out of his pocket and covered our hands.

* * *

All of the members were sleeping except Xiumin, Baek and Me.

I glanced at my phone and I received a text from Cyan.

Cyan: Are you home?

Me: No.

Cyan: Good, Luhan is on your condo. He's looking for you.

I didn't replied and stared at my phone, I thought you're going to stop from bothering me if I talked to you.

"What is he doing on your condo?" I looked at Baek, he's frowning and staring at my phone.

"At least, we're not in my condo." I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Right." He smiled at me. Those killer smile.

* * *

Baek let go of my hand when the members starts to woke up.

"We're here!" Xiumin announced. Causing to put so much excitement in me.

We went out from the van and the members went inside the beach immediately. Only me and Baekhyun were left.

He took my bag as he intertwined his fingers to mine, I smiled at him before we enter the beach.

Suho welcomed us, "You two, you're taking the moment huh?"

We laughed, "Shhh, they might hear you." I said.

"Let's go to the hotel?"

"Hotel? You rented a hotel?" I asked.

He nodded and scratch the back of his head, "I just want you to be comfortable, let's go?" I sighed and nodded before we went to the hotel.

The hotel was made of wood with the pair of glasses for the doors and windows.

We entered and checked in, we went to the elevator and we reached the last floor of this hotel.

We saw the other members as I let go of Baek's hand, he looked at me with hesitation as I glared at him.

"Ok! So, three pairs in one room because we only have 3 rooms. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Kai on the first room. Sehun, Xiumin and Chen on the second room. Me, Grei and Baekhyun on the third one." My brother said.

They all went to their rooms except the three of us, "You really meant it." I said and looked at my brother.

"Huh? Baekhyun requested that." I looked at Baekhyun and he just gave me a peace sign.

We went to our room and to my surprise, it's so beautiful.

It has a balcony with a sliding door, it has a couch for three-seater and its color is magenta. It also has a three beds and a bathroom. It also has a refrigerator.

The room's color is sky blue and you wouldn't think that this hotel was made of wood.

I love it! *_*

"Daebak!" Baek said and jumped on the bed.

"Why is it three? Why not two?" Baek asked Suho.

"And why? You think I'll let you sleep beside my sister?"

"Ehhh... Hehe." I chuckled and went to the balcony.

"I'm just going to check the members." Suho said and went out.

I felt Baek's arms wrapped around me and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" He asked.


"I'm planning to tell the members later on the campfire."

"Oh... Are we going to talk to Kyungsoo first?"

"Yeah, later after eating." And he kissed my cheeks.

"I love you so much, Baek."

"I love you too to death, babe."

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