32. Continuation

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» Grei's POV «

It's now my turn to give sticks and I'm also the last one. I stood up and went to the center.

I looked at the four sticks in my hand, Blue...

I smiled to myself and look all around to see that all of the members were looking at me, looks like they're waiting for me to move but...

"Can you just start, Grei? It's giving me goosebumps." Xiumin got a hit on his head from Chen who's just beside him.

"You're breaking the moment!" Chen said, as Xiumin pouted.

"I give this blue stick to..." I looked at the guys, actually I don't have a person to give this to. Because I thought of I don't have any person that I'll forgive.

"I don't have any person to give this though." I said, "Is it against the rules?" I asked.

Baekhyun looked at a small paper and he nodded, "It is. Just give it to the person that you think is really unforgivable."

My gaze landed on a guy with a blonde hair and a tall guy, I walk towards him and handed him over the blue stick.

"I handed this to you, because I already forgive you for being such a stubborn and challenging him."

I know that he knows who I'm referring to. "Next time, don't make a move without thinking straight, but thanks maknae I know you just did that to protect me."

I gave him a smile as he smiled back and gladly took the blue stick.

"I'll give this green stick to..." Ugh? I don't see anyone whom I should ask for their forgiveness.

My gaze suddenly landed on him. I know he worth this stick.

I walked towards him and kneel in front of him causing for him to frown on my movements.

"I know you're confused right now, also because of the weird things that I'm doing. I feel so close to you, because of a personal reason. But, Suho... I hope I'll return to your mind... and... heart."

I know he won't get the stick so I took his hand and handed him over the green stick as I gave him a smile... but you can see on my eyes... how hurt I am.

I know you're now confused on my movements... you'll know it... soon.

"I'll give the color yellow one to..." I smiled widely when I saw the guy that...

I love...

I leaned towards his ears and whispered, "Let's talk privately later."

I pulled away and went back to the center, "Who are you going to give that red stick?" Chen asked.

"Actually, I want to thank two persons. So..." I divided it into two. I went towards this owl and handed him over the other part of the red stick. "I want to thank you for always being there when I have a problem and always letting me join you on cooking."

I walked towards this giant toothpaste model, "I want to thank you because you're always there to make me laugh."

I want to thank all of them but... It's only a small stick.

"Actually, I want to thank all of you but the stick is so small to divide it into 8. So, thank you guys." They all nodded and smiled.

I'm so lucky to have these guys...

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