28. Bruises

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» Grei's POV «

I opened the door and saw Cyan, I smiled to her and I saw Hiro behind her.

"Hiro." He looked at me and just smiled. My eyes widened when Luhan appeared on Hiro's back.

"Grei..." I glared at him, I saw how Hiro and Cyan frowned.

"What are you doing here again?"

"I just want to explain about what happened to us."

"Is he your ex?!" Hiro exclaimed and suddenly punched Luhan.

"Hiro!" I yelled and stopped him, he glared at Luhan who's lying on the ground.

"Luhan! Get out now!" I yelled, he glared at Hiro back.

"I'll wait here until you let me explain everything to you." He said and sat on the ground.

"Tss, let's see how long you'll stay there. Come on, Grei." Hiro said and pulled me inside the condo.

"What's happening?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Luhan is outside again." I said, causing all of them to looked at me.

"What is he doing here again?" Chen asked.

"Obviously, he wants to talk to Grei. Hiro, don't let Grei step outside." Sehun went outside.

"Sehun! What are you going to do?" I asked, I suddenly felt nervous.

Sehun didn't answered as Xiumin, Chen, Chanyeol and Baekhyun followed Sehun.

I sat on the couch, "Let's just start doing our project." Cyan said as Hiro agreed.

We started doing our project while Kyungsoo, Kai and Suho is helping us.

I heard a yell outside, I was about to stood up when Kyungsoo stopped me. "They can do it." I sighed and sat back.

After I heard the yell, I can't concentrate anymore. I'm so nervous, and I think they noticed it.

"Hey, calm down." Kai told me.

"It's been 25 minutes since they went out."

"Just trust them." I nodded and took a deep breath.

After a while, the guys came back. My eyes widened when I saw all of them has a bruise on their faces.

"What were you all been thinking?! Are you insane?" I said and Cyan handed me a first aid kit.

Baekhyun suddenly sat in front of me, I started treating his bruise beside his lips.

Kyungsoo is treating Chanyeol, Kai is treating Xiumin, Cyan is treating Sehun while Suho is treating Chen.

I shook my head, "What happened?" I asked Baekhyun while treating the bruise on his lips, beside his eyes, and on his chin.

"Sehun challenged Luhan if he win over us, Luhan will be able to talk to you. If not, he will never return."

"Who won?" I asked.

He smirked, "Why are you interested?" I rolled my eyes on him.

I hate this guy...

» Kyungsoo's POV «

I'm now done treating Chanyeol, I look at Grei and she was about to stood up when Baekhyun suddenly grabbed her hand.

I frowned, their face are so close to each other. What is Baekhyun's problem? Or he's just playing around with Grei?

I stood up and took the first aid kit, "Ehem," Grei pulled away from Baekhyun and looked at me. "Where am I going to bring back this kit?" I asked.

"Oh... In Baekhyun's room." I nodded and smiled at Grei before going to Baekhyun's room.

I glanced at them and saw that Grei hit Baekhyun's arm, and he just chuckled. I rolled my eyes and went to Baekhyun's room.

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