24. Awkwardness

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» Grei's POV «

"It's because I'm jealous."

My eyes widened as Kai pulled away and continue washing the dishes.

"J-jealous? So, you mean—" He cut me off.

"Yes." My eyes widened, I can't believe that behind those amazing dancing skills, behind those playful Kai, behind this rapper is a—

"Gay." I said, he looked at me confused. "Who's gay?" He asked.

"You... said you're a gay." He suddenly laughed.

"I'm jealous because Kyungsoo used to do that to me, I'm jealous because he's my bestfriend." And he laughed again.

"I-i thought..."

"You're funny." He said and chuckled.

I just shook my head and smiled, I'm crazy to think that he's a gay.

After we washed the dishes, we went to the living room and saw the guys doing their own businesses.

Chen and Xiumin is on the floor watching TV. Baekhyun and Sehun is playing on their phones. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo is teasing each other. Suho is alone on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

Kai went between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo causing me to smirk, when jealousy strikes.

I sat beside Suho and I put my arm on his shoulder, he looked at me and smiled as he continue scrolling on his phone.

I took my phone out from my pocket and took a picture of Suho.

Me: This cute, handsome and well-disciplined leader ❤❤❤.

I send it to Suho and after a while, he looked at me smiling. He messed up my hair and pinched my cheeks, I smiled at him.

My phone vibrated and saw a reply from him...

Suho the leader: Thanks, beautiful and kind lady. ;-)

I looked at Suho and we both smiled at each other, I put a reply...

Me: What are you doing? Your so serious.

I received a reply again...

Suho the leader: Staring at your picture.

My eyes widened and looked at Suho, he's smirking. I looked at his phone and grabbed it, but he avoid his phone from my hand.

"Yah! How did that happened?!" I asked still getting his phone from him.

"You're just around, I can do that with just one snap."

"You're a stalker!" He just chuckled.

*Ehem!* *Ehem!*

I stopped from grabbing Suho's phone from him when I realized that all of the members were looking at us.

I fixed myself and cleared my throat. "Let's watch some movie."

"Good idea! Movie marathon, I have a new movie here." Chanyeol said and took his phone out from his pocket and inserted a cable to connect his phone to the TV.

I looked at Suho and we both chuckled, I don't even felt an awkwardness...

But why do I felt that between me and Baekhyun?

"Romance?" Chanyeol asked.

"Action!" Baekhyun said, I glance at him but my eyes widened when I saw him looking at me.

"Drama." Kyungsoo said.

"Why don't we just play a game—"

"Oh please, I don't want games." I looked at Baekhyun when we said that together.

I looked away and everything went silent, Suho cleared his throat to put the awkwardness away. "Just play a drama."

Why does everything went awkward when it comes to Baekhyun?

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