4. The Boys

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» Grei's POV «

"Baekhyun! I have to go to school!" He doesn't want me to leave him here. But, I have no choice I have to go to school.

"Just let me come with you!" He's not letting go the end of my uniform.


"Please, don't leave me here."

"I'm on a halfday, I'll come home before 11."

He sighed and let go of the end of my uniform. "I'll come back." I said.

He glanced at the wall clock and saw that it's 6:45 am. "There's snacks on the ref, you can get some."

"Take care." I nodded and smiled, I opened the door. "See you later, Baek." He nodded and waved.

I left my condo and start walking towards the School. My phone beeps.

Hiro: Where are you?

Hiroshima Takuro, my best friend before I met Cyan. He knows me too well, even my small moves.

Me: Gates.

I put my phone back inside my pocket and keep on walking.

When I reached the gates, I saw Hiro waiting before the gates. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"You said you're here in the gates, so I picked you up. Let's go."

Before we entered, a van stopped beside us. Two guys went out from the van and walk towards us.

The one with a black cap and a face mask has a big ears, while the other one with a white cap without face mask is smaller than the guy with a big ears and this guy has a very very white skin, if you saw him you will think that, he's bathing 3 buckets of milk everyday.

"Miss, come with us." The guy with a big ears said.

The guy with a white cap was about to grab my wrist when Hiro stopped them.

"Excuse me, but we have to get her because we need her." The guy with a white cap stated.

"How will you proved me that you're not going to do something bad on her?" Hiro asked.

"Grei," The guy with a big ears called me, so I looked at him. "EXO." He continued.

My eyes widened, "I-i know them, Hiro." I said, that's why he turned to me. "What?" He asked.

"Let's go, Grei." Suho said, well I know them so well. Because, Cyan is always trying me on familiarizing.

I was about to ride on the van when Hiro stopped me, "You won't come with them." He said.

"Why are you being like this, Hiro? You're not even my boyfriend. So stop acting like you are my boyfriend." I said and ride on the van before Chanyeol rides on and closed the door.

"Greiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" My eyes widened when I saw the other members at the back.

"Oh? Hi guys!" I said and waved, "Hi, Kyungsoo." Well, I have a crush on Kyungsoo since Cyan introduced EXO to me.

He nodded and smiled just a little, and I lobe that fact. "So, where's Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked.

"In my condo." I said.

"In your— what?!" Chanyeol suddenly yelled. I chuckled, "I don't know what he's doing there."

"Can you tell me the address?" I look at the driver's seat and saw, "Sehunnnnn!!!!" He's my bias wrecker.

"Y-yah, you're making me shy." He said after I messed up his hair. I chuckled and told him the address.

After a while we reached my condo, "Wait, I'm the one who will enter and then you will follow me behind."

"We're going to surprise him?" Sehun asked, I nodded.

I opened the door, "Baekhyun?" I said and entered. EXO stayed outside.

I heard footsteps rushing towards me, "Grei!! It's not 11 yet. Why are you already home?"

"Uhmm... We have no class." He nodded and smiled, I faked cough signing that the guys should enter.


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