43. Back to school

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» Grei's POV «

I went out from my room with my bag on my shoulder.

"Oh? You're going to school?" Chanyeol asked.

I nodded, "They told me that I'm not suspended anymore."

"Wow, congrats. Come, eat first." Kyungsoo said, I sat beside Baekhyun and we starts to eat.

After eating, I glanced at the wall clock and saw that 25 minutes before my class starts.

I stood up and grabbed my bag, "I have to go now."

"Oh? Baek, can you bring her outside?" Suho asked, Baek nodded as we went out from my condo.

We hid on a near tree, Baek hugged me. "Goodluck, talk to him, not to be with him again alright?"

I glared at Baek, "Do you think that I will do that?"

Baek chuckled, "I'm just kidding, I know you love me and I love you too. So, you can go now."

"Yeah, fine." I turned around but Baek grabbed my arm and hugged me again. "You don't want to let me go huh?" And I smirked.

"I really don't want to. I want you beside me, forever."

I smiled, "Me too, Baek. So now, let me go because I have to go to school."

He pulled away and stared at my eyes, "No matter what happens, don't go back to him."

I smiled, "I won't. I really won't. Because Byun Baekhyun is the only man that I love."

He smiled and kissed me on my forehead, "You may go now." I smiled and waved at him before turning around and start walking.

*   *   *

I entered my classroom and to my surprise, my classmates suddenly smiled. "WELCOME BACK, GREI!"

Woah? Special treatment eh? "Thanks." I said and smiled.

"WAAAHHHH! Grei I missed you freaking much! WAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

"Cyan, can you shut up it hurts my eardrums."

"Oh... Sorry, come let's go to your seat." We went to my seat and sat their.

"So, what happened when we left the field?" She excitedly asked.

"Nothing." I know it's not right to lie, especially to a friend. But, I don't want her to be involved any of my problems.

"Huh? So, nothing happened between you and Luhan?" I sighed, fine. I have to tell her since she's my bestfriend and I trust her.

"Don't tell anyone, ok?" She nodded, "I promise." And he raised her right hand.

"Luhan is my.... ex." Her eyes widened and looked at me in disbelief.

"R-really?" She asked in a low voice. I nodded, "What happened next?" She asked but I can sense that she's worried.

"He hugged me and I was about to pushed him that day when Hiro came and punched him in the face, I stopped him when he turned to me to check if I'm ok, Luhan punched him back and they start to fight. I don't know what to do, since I'm not a referee and never witnessed a scene like that and you know that. And then, EXO came to stopped the two."

"Huh? Good thing we're on our room." I nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

"And then?" She asked.

"That's it. And one more thing..."

"What is it?" She curiously asked.

"Remember when I told you that I have a boyfriend and brother that forgot me?" She nodded.

"My brother is... Suho of EXO." Her eyes widened, "R-really?" I nodded.

"What about your boyfriend?" She asked again.

"He's... Baekhyun."

"You were surrounded by handsome guys and kpop idols." I nodded, agreeing on her statement.

"Girl, your so lucky." And that made me frown, "No." She frowned of my answer.

Before she asked why, I spoke up. "So many sasaengs and fans round that loves to gossip things."

"Ahh right." She said.

"Cyan—" I was cut off when someone took my hand.

It was...


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