17. Mess

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» Grei's POV «

I went to the balcony, I missed this place. I've visited this place when I'm still on a relationship with Lulu.

Lulu... Lulu... Lulu...

AHHH! Can't he just go out and don't come back into my mind again?!

That's why i'm suffering this hard, because I keep on bringing back memories with him.

"Ahhh! I'm become crazier." I stopped from talking when I heard a knock.

I went towards the door and opened it, I looked at the person who just knocked and saw Baek.

Is he the one that I need so that I can forget Lulu already?

I shook my head making Baek to frown, "Oh, Baek. Come in." I said and opened the door widely so that he can enter.

He went to the balcony as I followed him after I closed the door.

"Are you... ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered, looking at the clouds. Is it going to rain?

"Hmmm... Happy Birthday." I looked at him, yeah right thanks to Li *NOTE THE SARCASM* who just announced that today is my BIRTHDAY.

"Where's Li?" I asked.

"Talking with the other members, hey are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I'm thought of myself that I'm crazy because I'm talking to myself a while ago."

He chuckled, "I'm here now, you can talk to me freely."

Yeah, something is on Baek. I don't know but I feel so comfortable around him.

"Do I need someone that will help me from moving on from him?" I suddenly asked out of the blue.

I can feel his stare on me, "For me it's maybe. Because sometimes in life, you have to face your own problems mostly when it's a private reason. Sometimes yes, because asking for help will be more helpful and will help you to move on easily."

I looked at the clouds, "Thanks Baek, now I know what's the answer."

And I hope I also chose the right person...

"I better get going now." He said and turned around. He was about to open the door when I called him.

"Hmmm?" He asked.

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Can you... help me with this?"

My room was surrounds with silence. "Don't worry, I'm not forcing you." I said and turned around to face him.

"Take your time to think about this." I said and gave him a smile. He smiled back, "Ok." And he opened the door and smiled once again before closing the door.

I sighed, I'm really crazy.

» Baekhyun's POV «

"How is she?" Lihoon asked once I stepped out from her room.

"She's fine now."

"Good." Chanyeol said, sighing in relief.

"Can you... help me with this?"

I shook my head, I should think about it. "I'll just go to my room." I said and they all nodded.

I went to my room and visit the balcony.

"Can you... help me with this?"

Should I help her? Am I deserving?

» Grei's POV «

I didn't know that I've fallen asleep, I sighed and stood up.

I went out from my room, I saw Li, Xiumin and Sehun on the living room.

"Hi, Grei/Black!" They greeted me.

"Hello, boys." I said, I heard a doorbell so I volunteered to open the door.

When I opened it, I froze. Cyan and Hiro entered my condo without saying anything.

"Grei-" Cyan was cut off when she saw the boys on the couch.

"Grei-" I saw Yeol walking out from Baek's room. He was cut off not when he saw Cyan but when he saw Hiro.

"YOU?!" They both asked each other.

This is a big big MESS.


Chanyeol and Hiro met on the front gate of Grei's school, when the EXO members just arrived. If you want, check the chapter 4.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now