22. Avoid

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» Kyungsoo's POV «

I woke up early to cook our breakfast, but to my surprise. I saw Grei on the garden.

I shrugged, she's staring at the sky. Maybe she needs to be alone.

I wore an apron and open the stove, and then Baekhyun suddenly came inside the kitchen.

I frowned when he didn't speak up as he took a glass and went to the dispenser.

I watched him as he stare at the water, my eyes widened when the glass was filled with water already.

"Baekhyun!" I yelled causing him to flinched and looked at me, "The water!" His eyes widened, he closed the dispenser.

"Yah! What's happening to you?! You've been spacing out since yesterday when you came back from the airport."

"Ugh... Am I? Sorry." He said and drank the water after that he put it on the sink and left the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, what's happening to him? Or should I say... to them?

» Grei's POV «

I stood up when I heard a yell from the kitchen, my eyes widened when I entered the living room and saw Baekhyun passing over the living room as well.

I looked away and don't know which direction to go, so I ended up to went to my room.

I sighed and went towards the balcony, what's happening to me? Why am I avoiding Baekhyun? It's just a freaking— it's still surprising.

Ahhh! I'm going to be crazy if I still don't share this to anyone.

I took my phone and dialed Cyan's number.

"What's up?"

"Can we meet?"

"Woah, so sudden. Sure, where and when?"

"At the cafe near the school. Let's meet now." I said and hanged up.

I took my towel and went inside the bathroom and start doing my morning routine...

I'm now done from doing my routine, I'm now binding my shoelace when my phone vibrated.

I took it and saw Cyan's text.

Cyan: I'm here at the cafe.

She's always fast.

Me: I'm still at my condo, I'm coming.

I put my phone on my sling bag and took a glance at the mirror, before leaving my room.

"Oh? Where are you going?" Xiumin asked when he noticed me passing over the living room.

"I'm going to meet my friend."

"Where?" Chanyeol asked. "Cafe." I answered and opened the door.

"See you later." I said and closed the door before leaving.

*   Cafe   *

I entered the cafe and look around to find Cyan, I saw her sitting beside the window while staring outside.

I walk towards her table and sat on the vacant chair in front of her.

"Cyan." I called her out, she looked at me and smiled. "How are you?" I asked.

"I think I'm the one who should asking you that."

I sighed, "I just need a listener, I'm so bothered."

"What is it?" She asked, she looks so interested.

"Well... Yesterday, Li left to go back to China. We brought him to the airport and on our way back here, an unexpected scene happened between me and Baekhyun."

Her eyes widened, "What is it?" She excitedly asked.

I bit my lower lip, "He's not speaking to me, so I thought he's angry at me because I became weird yesterday. I made him turned to me so that we can talk, but the moment I turned him to me, our face was so close and I don't really expect that. I'm still bothered and now we're avoiding each other."

I looked at Cyan when she didn't react, "Oh my gosh..." Or not?

"Yiiieee! I want to scream!" She said smiling widely.

"We're avoiding each other, I'm so bothered about it because the reason is not so deep to avoid him like that."

"Why don't you speak to him? Why don't you have a private talk with him?"

"I'm shy."

"That will keep on bothering you if you still don't have a private and serious talk with him."

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