40. Remembered

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» Grei's POV «

I went out from my room and frowned when no members is here, I was about to go to Baek's room when I saw an open door.

It makes me more frowned, It's been a long time since the last time I came to this room.

I entered in there and my eyes widened when the door suddenly closed by itself.

I walked away from the door but suddenly I fell on the floor, but someone caught me.

The lights went open and my eyes widened when I saw Baekhyun...

He helped me to stand up, I smiled at him as he smiled back. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"A-ahhh... I'm just looking around when I saw this room, I got curious and entered. Sorry." He said and scratch the back of his neck.

I smiled, "It's ok. Let's go?" I turned around and suddenly...

He back hugged me...

"W-what are you doing, Baek?"

"I miss you..." My eyes widened, "My girl."

He remember me now?

"I remembered it all now, I can remember you..."

I smiled, I turned around and faced him. "Finally. I miss you too." I hugged him, gosh! I've waited for so long for this moment!

I felt his arms embraced me back, I smiled. I hope we can stay like this forever...

He pulled away and cupped my cheeks, "I'm sorry if I forgot you, I'm sorry for everything."

I smiled, "It's not important anymore, having you now is more important."

He smiled, and then... I just felt that he's leaning towards me, slowly.

I felt his soft lips pressed against mine, I smiled and response. It's been 4 years since I last felt this feeling inside me.

He pulled away and smiled, I hugged him tightly. "I love you, Grei."

"I love you too, Baek."

*   *   *

Me and Baekhyun decided to not tell it to the guys for a while, except Sehun, Xiumin and my brother.

We're now here with them and still we're not speaking up, "What are you going to tell us?" Sehun asked.

Me and Baekhyun looked at each other, "Isn't it obvious, they're on a relationship." I looked at Xiumin with my widened eyes.

"Are we that obvious?" Baek asked, "Well not that really, it's because of how you stare at each other." Xiumin answered.

"A-ahhh..." that's the only word that came out from my mouth.

I looked at Suho, he's just serious looking at us. I'm waiting for him to speak but.... he smiled.

"Take care of my sister." He said to Baek, my eyes widened and smiled widely. I thought he's the same as the brothers that is overreacting when the girls is introducing their boyfriend.

"Thank you, brother." I said, he looked at me and smiled back. "So, when are you going to tell it to others?" Sehun asked.

"We're not yet ready, we want to tell them when we're ready." Baek said and smiled, same as me.

*   *   *

"WAAAHHHH!" I yelled when Sehun's dog jumped on my lap. I don't know but I held someone's arm but I don't care, they have to remove this dog!

"Sehun! Put that dog away from me!" They all laughed at me, I rolled my eyes and suddenly...

"S-sorry." I'm holding Baekhyun's hand already, he just smiled and nodded. I went back to my seat.

My heart didn't stop from beating so fast...

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