5. Precious

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» Grei's POV «

"Where's manager?" Baekhyun asked once he and his friends got talk a lot.

"He can't be with us, he will come after us." Suho answered.

"Hey, Grei. Are you still schooling?" My eyes widened when Kyungsoo suddenly asked me.

"Ugh... Yeah." I answered awkwardly. He nodded, "Ahh..."

"What's with the question, Kyungsoo?" Xiumin asked, smirking. Kyungsoo just shook his head.

"Hmm, Grei?" I looked at Chanyeol. "Yes?" I asked.

"Can we stay here for 1 week?" All of the members looked at him in shocked. Then, they look at me, having a hope on their faces.


"Yehey!!" They all said, "Where are we going to sleep?" Chen asked.

"Let's sleep here!" Baekhyun said and pointed at the floor. "Let's took the mattress out from my room and laid it down here."

"Does that mattress enough for the 8 of us?" -Xiumin

Baekhyun looked at me that made me looked at him as well, "She will join us." He suddenly said.

"Huh? Did I even said that?"

My eyes widened when he leaned a little, "I can read your eyes." He said doing the 'I-am-watching-you' thing, while pointing on my eyes.

*EHEM* *EHEM* He pulled away and everything went... Awkward?

"Uhmm... I'm just going to get the mattress." Baekhyun said and stood up, "I'll help you." Chanyeol volunteered and stood up.

"Hmmm... What's with the stare?" Kyungsoo asked, causing all of us to look at him confused. There's something on his tone.

» Chanyeol's POV «

I followed Baekhyun as he went upstairs towards his room.

"Oh? Is this Grei's?" I asked and pointed the black and gold door.

He nodded, "Pretty and classic door right? I bet her things are well-organized and clean inside." He said and opened the blue door.

"You've never entered her room? Even once?" I asked, following him inside his room.

He stopped for a second, but then continued putting his pillows and things out from his bed.

"No, I haven't." I frowned, I know when he's lying and when he's not.

"You like her, right?" He looked st me for a while and suddenly laughed.

"I like her, as a—"

"Don't say that as a friend, I know you too well, Baek. No need to lie."

He chuckled, "Honestly, I don't like her. I'm just admiring her for helping me, even she doesn't know me." He stated, while getting the mattress out from his bed so I helped him.

You're not good at lying, Baekhyun.

» Grei's POV «

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked, Baek and Chanyeol is still upstairs.

"Ugh... Yeah." Sehun and Xiumin answered. I stood up, "I'll cook you some food."

"I'll help you." Kyungsoo said, standing up. I smiled, "Sure." I turned around and went to the kitchen.

"What are we going to cook?" He asked. "Hmmm, I think I'm the one who should asking you that. Since, you know your members."

He went towards the ref and opened it, looking for some ingredients.

"I heard you're expert in cooking?" I said. He closed the door of the ref and placed the ingredients on the bowl and wash them on the sink.

"Yeah, I heard from Baekhyun that you're good on cooking as well." He closed the faucet, and start cutting the ingredients.

"Oh? He told that to you?"

"Not only me, all of us."

I rolled my eyes, "Why is he so talkative?"

"Haha, no need to whisper that. We all find out that he's really talkative since we were a trainee." He smiled and his white teeth flashes.

"This is Do Kyungsoo, his stage name is D.O. He's not smiling nor reacting, but once he smiled nor react, treasure that moment because it's surely are precious."

Kyungsoo smiled. This moment is surely are precious.

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