20. Belated

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» Lihoon's POV «

"But Li, I'm tired already!" Do you know the fact that she kept on scolding me, but it's just making her cute even more? That's how Black looks like right now.

"But, I still can't find what I'm looking for." I said and looked around.

"Aish!" And do you know? When this girl is really tired, she will turn into a kid, she will keep on pouting, talk so loud, act so childish.

It means, she's turning into vice versa when she's tired. If others thinking she's weird, well I'm thinking she's cute.

"Yah, why are you smiling? You're creepy!" She suddenly hit my arm.

I chuckled, why is she so cute?

"Ugh! I'm out, I'll go home!" My eyes widened when Black turned around.

I took my phone and ran after Black while contacting that guy!


"I'm out of reasons, Black is really tired she wants to go home! Black!" I yelled when I saw Black hopping in a taxi.

I stopped when I saw him...


"S-she's ok now..." I said and hanged up.

» Grei's POV «

My eyes widened when I saw the person who grabbed my arm to prevent me from entering the taxi.

"What are you doing—"

"SHHH!" He said and pulled me.

We stopped in front of a motor. He assist me and he put the helmet on me.

"Thanks." I said, he ride on the motor and he signalled me to ride on to his motor.

I awkwardly put my hand on his shoulder so that I can support myself.

I put my hand on his jacket when I finally sat on his motor. My eyes widened when he suddenly grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his waist.

He started the engine and we drove off.

*   *   *

I just felt that the motor stopped so I was thinking if I'm still breathing.

Just kidding, I went down from the motor and took the helmet off.

I saw Li's car parked behind our motor, my eyes widened. I forgot him!

I ran towards the car as Li went out from the driver's seat. "Li, sorry if I left you."

"It's ok, I'm used to your attitude already. By the way, you're cute acting that way." And he winked.

I hit his arm, regretting that I shouldn't said sorry. "Just kidding, let's go inside?"

I nodded and followed him, "Let's go, Sehun." I said.

He nodded and followed me, "Is it brown out?" I asked and opened the switch.


My jaw dropped when I saw how well-decorated my condo was.

"T-thanks guys."

"It's time to eat!" Xiumin suddenly yelled, he's holding a spoon and fork already.

"Yeah! Let's eat first, Black really made me tired this day." I hit Li's head.

"We walked all around the mall, who's not going to be tired of that?"

"Actually, it's part of our plan to surprise you for this belated party." Suho said.

I smiled, "Why did you all even do this? I'm not used to it."

"Why? Aren't you celebrating your birthday?" Chen asked.

"Nope, only me and Lulu knew her birthday. She never told that to anyone." Li said.

"Yeah, enough for that. I'm hungry." I said and went towards Baekhyun who's giving plates.

"Give me a plate, Baek." I said as he handed me over a plate.

"Nope, only me and Lulu knew her birthday. She never told that to anyone."

I sighed, Lulu again...

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