21. Goodbye

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» Grei's POV «

"Waaahh! Li!!!!! Don't leave me!" I yelled while running towards Li.

I hugged him immediately when I finally reached him, I heard him chuckled.

"I won't leave you, I just have to go back to China."

"You're still going to leave me." I said and pouted.

"This kid. Do you want to bring me to the airport?"

"Yes!" I said and smiled. "Come on." He said and we went to the car.

He stopped and looked at the boys behind me, "Baekhyun! Come with us."

My eyes widened, "What?" I asked Li.

"Someone have to watch you so that you won't be wild like what you used to last night."

I rolled my eyes, "Let's go." I said and entered the car.

*   *   *

"I hate you, Li!" I said while hitting his chest.

He chuckled, "I know you hate me. Baekhyun, watch after her you won't recognize her if she gets tired."

I hit his arm, "You're talking too much, you may go inside now."

"You don't want me to leave a while ago, and now you want me to?"

"You're so annoying, go inside!"

He chuckled and suddenly... "Yah! Who are you to kiss me on my forehead?!" I yelled.

He went inside the airport while laughing, I just glared at his back. Tss!

"Let's go now, Grei."

"Baek!" I called him, his eyes widened and immediately covered my mouth.

He pulled me towards the car and let me in. "It's crowded here and then you shouted my name?!"

"Eh? I'm sorry, I forgot that you're an artist." I said and gave him a peace sign.

He's still frowning so I gave him a smile, "Don't frown. It didn't suits you."

I can't control myself and then I suddenly pinched his cheeks causing him to gawk.

I stopped and realized my actions, "Start to drive now." I said and sat up well.

» Chanyeol's POV «

"Baekhyun!" Sehun catches up Baekhyun, but he seems not on his senses.

I went towards him, "Baekhyun." He just passed over me. What is his problem?

"Hey, Grei." I said but she just gave me a nod, what the heck is their problem?!

"Why are they not on their senses?" Xiumin asked.

I shrugged and went back to the living room, I bet something happened between them.

» Grei's POV «

Waahhh! I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.


"Why is it so traffic?" I mumbled while looking for the cause of the traffic.

I looked at Baekhyun, he's just looking in front.

"Baekhyun." I called him, but he didn't answered.

I rolled my eyes and held his shoulders, I made him turned to me.

My eyes widened, h-how did that happened? H-how could be this so close?

His eyes is so beautiful...


I saw in front that the cars are moving, I went back to my seat and we drove off.

~ End of Flashback ~

Heck! It's so awkward, it's so embarrassing. I should start avoiding him.

Ugh! I need someone to talk to. But, it's really embarrassing, especially when I opened it up with one of his friends.

Ahhh! I should talk to Cyan, she's the only one who can understand me.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now