3. His Needs

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~ Grei's POV ~

I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After doing that, I went to the kitchen.

Baekhyun is nowhere to be found maybe he's still sleeping.

I cooked a fried rice, bacon, and hotdog. I also blend a coffee for me and Baek.

I heard a footsteps and Baekhyun appeared. "Hey, do you have any stock of clothes for me?"

"Oh... I don't have any, don't worry I'll buy you later."

"Huh? But, you're going to spend money." He said worried while sitting on the dining chair.

"It's ok, you're my visitor in the first place." He sighed, that's why I chuckled. "It's really fine, Baek."

"But, you already helped me hiding and you're going to spend some money just to buy me clothes?"

"Why not? I chose to help you, Baek. I have no regrets for helping you."

"Thank you, Grei." I just smiled at him, "Let's eat now." I said. "This smells so good." He commented while putting bacon on his plate.

*   After eating   *

"I'm going to buy you some clothes now, Baek." I said.

"If I just could go out and join you buying some clothes."

We stood silence, I frowned when his face suddenly lighten up. What's on his mind now?

"What if I disguise?" My eyes widened, "Baek! That's not a good idea."

"But, I want to join you."

"No, your fans might recognize you."


"Baek, NO."

He sighed, sign of giving up. "I have to go now. What's your size?"

"Medium." He answered sadly.

"Ok, bye Baekhyun."


I left the condo as I catch a taxi and went towards the nearest mall.

*   Mall   *

I went to the Bench where I can buy Men's clothes. When I entered, a staff approached me.

"Good morning, ma'am. What clothes are you looking for?"

"For a guy," I saw how the staff frowned. "Because, It's a birthday present." She nodded.

"This way, ma'am." She leads me to the men's wear. "Thank you, miss." I started to look for some shirts.

After buying I guess 7 shirts, I went to the short ones. I bought 7 shorts as well, it's not a boxer just sayin'.

I went to the counter. I ignored the girl in the counter when I saw how she frowned looking at those clothes that I bought.

"Please faster, miss. I'm in a rush." Even I'm really not. The girl nodded and immediately totalled the clothes that I bought.

"Thanks." I said and took the bags. I think, I'm holding 5 bags. 2 in my left arm while 3 in my right arm.

I went to my car and place the bags on the back seat, I started the engine and went back to my condo.

I stopped in front of the village's gate, when I saw a familiar figure of a guy standing on the wall before the gates. He's wearing a hoodie.

My eyes widened when the guy raises up his head, I stopped my car in front of him and went out from the car.

"What are you doing here outside?!" I asked grabbing his wrist and made him entered the front seat.

I went back to the driver's seat, "Are you insane, Baekhyun? What if one of your fans saw you?!"

He sighed, "Fine, sorry. I just really wanted to join you on the mall and help you bringing those bags." And he pointed at the bags behind.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you dare to do this again, Baekhyun." I started the engine and entered the village.

When we reached the condo, I grabbed the two bags while Baek grabbed the three bags.

We went inside my condo and I placed the bags down on the couch, same as Baekhyun.

So, I stood up and glared at him. "I'm... really sorry, Grei. Promise, that won't happen again."

"That will definitely won't. Because one you do that again, I'm warning you I'm the one who will tell your sasaengs that you're here."

He looked down, "I'm sorry, Grei." I just gave him a nod, "Bring those bags to your room."

"W-what? It's all mine?" He asked with his widened eyes.


"You didn't bought something for you?"

"I don't need one. You're the one who needs it, don't worry." I said and turned around and start walking towards my room.

I was about to open the doorknob when Baekhyun called out my name, so I turned around and faced him.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Thank you." I just smiled and entered my room.

Thank you is enough, and it's indeed heart-warming because I've helped a people who badly needs my help.

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