10. Lump

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» Grei's POV «

"Where you guys came from?" Suho asked once we entered the condo.

"Their car tires got flattened, me and Cyan picked them up in the park." Chanyeol said.

"By the way Cyan, thank you for helping us." I said. She just smiled, but I know deep inside of her she's bursting out.

"Guys, this is my bestfriend Cyan and this is EXO my best friends."

"Nice to meet all of you." Cyan said and bowed, "Us too." Sehun replied.

Did I even told you that Cyan likes Sehun since then?

"Grei, I have to go, I didn't told my mom that I went out."

"Ahh... Sehun can you bring her outside?" I asked smirking.

"Yah, I'm alright."

"No, I insist." Sehun said as they headed outside together.

"Does Cyan likes maknae?" Suho asked.

"Yes." I said, "Oh, did you already eat breakfast?"

"Nope. You think? We're all nervous of where have you been duh, you think we're able to cook?" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

"We? You're the only one who can cook here." I said.

"Yah! I can also cook." Chanyeol protested. "Me too!" Sehun said when he came back.

"Hey, maknae come here." Kai said and patted the vacant space beside him.

"Do you like that friend of Grei?"

"You're asking the wrong question, it's opposite." Baekhyun told him.

"Yah, Chanyeol. Can you help me on cooking?" I asked. "Sure." He replied and stood up as he followed me towards the kitchen.

"What happened to you and Baekhyun at the park?"

"Hmmm, we went to the park because we're so bored waiting on the car."

"What are you two doing on the tree? And you two seems serious."

"Ahhh... About the names that was engraved on the tree."


"There was a name that was engraved on the tree."

"Oh? I want to see it."

I shrugged, "Maybe if it's your turn to be with me got car tires flattened." We both laughed.

"Hey, thanks for helping us." I said.

"Small thing, I'm the one who should thank you so much. You've helped us a lot. And Baek."

I smiled, "I really like helping others."

"After eating breakfast, would you mind if you join me walking around the village?" He asked

"Sure." He smiled widely as his white teeth flashes.

"Grei!!!!!!!" I put the knife down and went to the living room.

"Xiumin? What happened?" I saw a big lump on his forehead.

"What happened?" I asked worried while checking his forehead.

"I accidentally bumped into the door when I'm opening it."

"Chen, can you get the first aid kit?" I asked, he nodded before standing up.

After a while he came back with the first aid kit.

I opened it and took the ice bag and sat beside Xiumin as I start to heal his lump.

"Does it hurt very much?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Good, don't sleep for a while. I'll tell you when you will sleep."

"Huh? But, I'm tired."

"You will get dizzy if you sleep while you have a lump."


"Don't worry, I'll stay awake with you."

"What? Am I not disturbing you?"

I shook my head and smiled, "Helping all of you is a small thing for me."

"You're really kind as always." We all looked at Chanyeol who had just entered the living room with a tray and juice on his hands.

"Snack time." And he placed the tray and juice on the center table.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now