25. Babies

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» Grei's POV «

I'm still bothered of me and Baekhyun not talking because of that scene, I want to talk to him but I'm really shy.

I opened the door of my room and to my surprise, Baekhyun is standing in front of my room.

"H-hi?" He said, awkwardly.

"Do you need something?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Uhmmm..." He took a deep breath, "Can we talk?" Finally!

"Sure." We went on the door of my house and we sat on the stair.

"What are we going to talk about?" I asked.

"Don't pretend like you don't know the cause of why we're avoiding each other."

I sighed and looked away, "Sorry about that."

"It's funny that we're avoiding each other because of a not valid reason."

"Yeah, I'm thinking for talking to you but it really keeps me on being shy."

"Me too, I'm nervous in front of you."

"Ahhh..." Silence surrounds to the both of us, until I saw a girl walking towards my condo.

"Is that... Cyan?" I asked and stood up, Baekhyun stood up as well.

I went towards Cyan and saw her holding two babies? What?!

"Grei, can I ask you a favor?"


"Can this two babies stay at your condo for a while? I'm taking care of 4 babies right now, and I don't have any helpers."

Do you know that... I FREAKIN' HATE BABIES?!

*   *   *

"You're like a mom!" I rolled my eyes on Chanyeol. Well, I was about to say no to Cyan a while ago but, Baekhyun said YES! Tss.

"A beautiful mom." I glared at Suho, he just chuckled.

Cyan said that this babies is to her elder sister.

"Baby Violet, come here." Baekhyun said and play around with Violet.

Well, Cyan's sister's name is Red. They don't like colors right?

I looked at the baby boy that was in front of me, sitting there and staring at me.

I sighed and took him and put him on my lap, "Hello there, Baby Blue." The baby boy suddenly smiled and pinched the tip of my nose.

Woah... Is this really a baby? He's acting like we're on the same age.


"Chen!" I yelled, he laughed and looked at his phone. "Awww, you look really a beautiful mom holding a cute baby."

I don't know if I should he happy because he said beautiful, or I should be angry because I'm a mom.

"May I borrow Baby Blue?" Baekhyun asked and looked at me.

"Sure." I said and handed Baby Blue over Baekhyun.

I stood up and went to the kitchen, I saw Kyungsoo cooking there.

"Hi Kyungsoo!" I greeted him with full of energy.

He smiled and looked at me, "Hi, Grei."

"Can we bake now?" I asked, having a hopefully look.

"Do you have an ingredients?"

I smiled and nodded, I opened the cabinet and took the ingredients out.

"What are we going to bake?" He asked.

"Cupcakes and cookies, since we have babies."

Wait... Did I just said, We have babies?

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