12. Trip

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» Grei's POV «

"Should we record this or have a vlive?" Chanyeol asked, so he received a hit from Baek.

"You saw this pretty girl?" I raised my left eyebrow on Baek when he pointed at me.

"They might create some issues!"

"Duh!" Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"Hi guys." My eyes widened when Sehun raised up his phone, he's having a live on instagram!

He got hit from Baekhyun, "Hey, guys we're with Grei. Our friend, and Baekhyun's girlfriend— AWWW!"

I just shook my head, "Do you have some chips?" I asked Baek.

He nodded and took a chips out from his bag. "Yeol, you want?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I can't get I'm driving." I took one piece of chips and put it near Chanyeol's mouth.

He smiled and ate it, "Yuck Yeol! You also ate my finger! Eww, Baek do you have a tissue?"

He laughed, "That's fresh." I rolled my eyes on him, Baek wiped my finger.

"Ugh!" I hit Chanyeol. "Awww! Your so harsh."

"Now, those person beside us is so sweet, and look at Baekhyun hyung's reaction— AWWW!"

"You hit me for so many times already!" Sehun protested. "It's because you're so talkative there." Baek said.

"I have to say good bye now, guys! Say goodbye to the fans."

"Byeeeeee!" Yeol said in hyper.

Sehun ended the live, "Psh, the fans are fighting and already creating a name for team YeolGrei and HyunGrei."

"That's your fault." Baek said, "I agree." I said.

"What's wrong with that? It's fun!" Yeol said. I rolled my eyes, he's always having fun.

"Baek, can I sleep?" He nodded and patted his shoulder. Since, we're friends I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Yeol, can you turn on the radio?" Baek asked, Yeol nodded and opened the radio.

"Yuck, the music is for romance." Yeol changed the station of the radio, and it turned out that the music is a rock.

"Awww!" I said, Baek covered my ears. So the music lessen. I closed my eyes and just sleep.

*   *   *

I opened my eyes, and felt that I'm still on Baek's shoulder.

I moved and saw that he's sleeping, Is he comfortable with his place? His head is rested on the window.

I held his head carefully not wanting to wake him up, I rested his head into my shoulder.

"Are we there yet?" I asked Yeol.

"A little." He said, Sehun is also sleeping in the front seat.

Suddenly a phone rang, and it's Yeol's.

He handed me his phone, "Answer it please."

I click the green button and loud speaker it.


"Oh? Grei?"


"Just asking if you're all ok?"


"Nothing, what does the guys doing?"

"Yeol is driving, and the two is sleeping."

"Oh, that's why it's peaceful there."


"See you at the Amusement later then?"

"Sure, bye."


I ended the call, "Take my phone for a while." Yeol said.

I shrugged and open his phone, I open his instagram.

I took a photo of him driving and edit on a black and white.

I captioned it, 'Driving 🚗' #B&W

"Why are you smiling?" Yeol asked looking at the rear mirror.

"Oh? I posted on your instagram."

"Hmmm? May I see it?" I showed him his phone and he smiled.

I took a selfie on Yeol's phone, I take a look on his gallery.

I saw his picture mostly with Baek, they're really so close huh?

I wanted to witnessed of how close this two, I want to see them smiling and having fun with each other.

Chanbaek... Pretty combination of a name.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now