14. Amusement (Part 2)

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» Grei's POV «

"I'm dizzy." Chanyeol said while holding into a pole to support himself.

"That was fun!" Kai said clapping while stepping out from the boat.

"Let's go to our next ride." Suho said and lead the way with Kai.

"What are we going to ride next?" Chanyeol asked, more better than before.

"Flying Fiesta."

"Yehey!" Chanyeol and Sehun said in unison while raising their hands like a kid.

We entered the entrance to the Flying Fiesta and all of us went to the swing.

"Waahhh!" Chanyeol yelled. "It's not yet starting, Yeol." Kyungsoo said.

Chanyeol is just really getting louder. "I'm so excited, I've never been experience tis before. Thanks to Grei who helped Baekhyun, because if she didn't we won't met Grei and we're not going to go to this kind of place and we're not going to ride on this Flying Fiesta. Oh by the way, what are we going to ride next? Because I want to ride next to the—"

"Shut up!" Kai and Kyungsoo yelled on Chanyeol, "Oh... Sorry." Chanyeol said while giving them a peace sign.

*PRRRRTTTTT* Is it a whistle or what? Is that a sign that we're going to up now?

I just felt that my feet is not on the ground anymore and we're now floating in the air.

"Wiiieeeee!!!!" I heard Chanyeol and Sehun yelled behind.

Well, this is not that exciting unlike roller coasters, Space Shuttle, or Sky Ranch.

After that freaking swing ride we went out, "That was fun!" Sehun said.

"Yeah, even we're just floating in the air as if we're like a kids." Kyungsoo replied.

"Oh, let's ride on the Space shuttle!" Xiumin said while clapping. I saw how Chanyeol and Sehun fainted.

"Is that like a roller coaster?" Suho asked, oh the leader is also fainting.

"Yes." I said while leading the way. "I won't ride there." Chanyeol said.

"Me too." Sehun and Suho said.

"I'll go." I said, "Me too!" -Baekhyun

"Me too." -Kyungsoo.

"I think it's fun, I'll go." -Xiumin, "I won't leave you hyung." -Chen said while wrapping his hands around Xiumin's arms.

"Let's go." Baekhyun said, "Yah wait for me!" I heard Kai yelled.

*   *   *

"Why are you vomiting?" I asked Chanyeol when I saw him vomiting when we got out from the space shuttle.

"I can feel how dizzy you are."

"We're not even dizzy." I said, while crossing my arms and looking weirdly at Chanyeol.

"You don't?" He asked. I shook my head, "Overreacting." Kai mumbled.

"Let's eat for a while." Suho said and lead the way, oh! Suho is going to treat us again.

"Yeah right, I'm hungry." I said, following Suho.

"Whaatttttt??? But I still want to ride!" Chanyeol tantrums.

"Go and ride by yourself." Kyungsoo replied with a poker face. "Fine, let's eat first." Chanyeol said while making face behind Kyungsoo.

*   Restaurant   *

"Me and Grei will order." Suho said, "No, me and Grei!" Baekhyun said.

I rolled my eyes, this will fall under to a game again. "Suho and I will order." I said and pulled Suho's arm towards the counter.

After ordering me and Suho went towards the table where the guys are.

"Finally, I'm so hungry!"

"Yeol? I thought you still want to ride?" Chen asked smirking. Chanyeol threw a tissue on Chen's face causing us to laugh.

"Yah, stop it we're in front of the foods." Kyungsoo said, "He's right." I said, agreeing.

I gave them there foods, "You're exactly like Kyungsoo or Suho. Taking care of us." Baekhyun commented.

I just smiled awkwardly and sat on the seat, as we start eating.

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