37. Sign

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» Grei's POV «

"You all need to be more careful." I told them what happened on me with my nerdy classmate. That's why I told them to be careful.

"Good thing they didn't caught you." Kyungsoo said.


"What?!" Baekhyun suddenly reacted.

"Baekhyun! I said, almost. ALMOST! If I just didn't pretend that I don't know you."

"Let's just forget it and remember to be careful." Suho said.

I'm still not telling it to him...

I need to talk to him ASAP before everything will be late.

My phone suddenly rang so I answered it in front of the guys.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Are you done with the project?" My eyes widened and massage my temple. I forgot about that.

"No, I'll just do it later."

"Let's pass together, ok?"

"Ok, Cyan." I ended the call as the guys looked at me, frowning.

I sighed, "I have to buy some materials for my project and I forgot about it." I explained while massaging my temple.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Sehun asked, I shook my head. "Someone might recognize you."

"Why are you always thinking about us? Think about yourself as well, you're always tired because of us!"

"Suho, calm down." Kyungsoo said with a calm voice and made Suho sit down.

"I'm not tired because of you, I'm just thinking about—"

"You're thinking about us! Don't deny it anymore and don't made any excuses anymore!" I closed my eyes and covered my ears.


"You're not my daughter! You're just adopted! I just let my wife to adopt you because we badly wanted to have a child! But now, she's dead. I don't need you anymore! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK!"

"Hey, Grei... I'm sorry." I opened my eyes and immediately went to my room and locked it.

» Sehun's POV «

Me and Baekhyun followed Grei but she locked her door, I turned around and faced Suho.

"Why did you yell at her?!" I don't know but I can't help myself from yelling at Suho.

"I just want to protect her." He said and looked away.

"But you're doing it in a wrong way." Kyungsoo said in a calm way.

"Yeah, I'm wrong I know." He said and looked down, I sighed and sat beside him.

I wrapped my shoulders around his, "Don't do it again to her, she's traumatize."

All of them looked at me confused except Xiumin hyung. Since we know her past.

"She's traumatize, her father told her to never come back on their house. Her father kept on pushing her away and yelling at her and she became traumatize. Until, one day her family died that's why she's alone. I don't know if this is right and if it's ok to her that I told you. Please don't open this up to her."

"Do you still have green stick?" Suho hyung asked Baek.

*   *   *

» Grei's POV «

It's night now, but still I can't sleep. I glance at the clock and it's 1:00 am?!

I sighed, I'm here at the balcony since Suho yelled at me. And I'm still now here.

"Aish!" I stared at the sky, "Mom, should I tell him? Should I tell that I love him? Should I tell to my brother that he's my brother? Thank god, I have one family that left."

I shook my head, "Waahhh! Why did the guys that's my best friends is related to me?"

I'll go crazy! "Lord, give me a sign that it's time to tell him."

"Tell him already!" My eyes widened when I saw a woman and a guy talking near my condo.

"Tell him already, please." The guy said. The girl looked away, "But—"

"Please, Jei." The guy said. I sighed, ok I think it's a sign.

Promise! By tomorrow, I'll tell him before he could. In the name of my mom!

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