27. Past

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» Grei's POV «

"WAAAHHH!" I yelled and hopped on the couch.


"Who's the owner of this dog?!"


"Baekhyun! Shut up! Take that dog away!" I yelled.

"Fine, fine." He took the dog stil laughing, I immediately hit his back. "Awww!" He whined.

"How dare you." I rolled my eyes on him, he just laughed again and turned around. I took a pillow and hit his head.

"Awww! That's two, you're really harsh!"

I rolled my eyes, he put the dog on its cage. "Where did that came from?" I asked, Baekhyun sat beside me.

"That's Vivi, Sehun's dog."

"Oh, really?" He nodded, "Why are you awake in this early?" He asked.

"You too, why are you awake in this early?"

"Don't ask me a question." I chuckled.

He really looks so irritated, "Cyan called me, she said we have a group project and we're going to do it here."

"Huh? Who's the members?"

"Me, Cyan and... Hiro."

"You still have a misunderstanding with Hiro?"

I shrugged, "I still don't know."

"You're not guilty?"

"No, because I know he's with someone already."

"Huh? You don't trust him?"

"He likes hanging out with so many girls, and that's why I hate him. I'm always scolding him because of that, but he still do it again and again."

"What if you meet him again?"

"If we meet, we meet. So what if we meet."

"Yah, it's so early. What are you two doing? Having a morning date?" We turned around and saw Chanyeol.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I asked and smirked.

Chanyeol shook his head and went to the kitchen, I just stayed smirking.

"Why would he jealous?" Baekhyun asked.

He's slow though...

Chanyeol returned with a two mug, he put it down on the center table.

Chanyeol went back to the kitchen and after a while returned with a mug again as he sat beside me.

The silence surround us until we heard the doorbell rang, "I'll open it." Baekhyun said and stood up.

"Who is that? It's so early to have a visitor." Chanyeol said and stretched his arms.

"Maybe that's Cyan—" Baekhyun came while his fist was balled that made me frowned.

"Baekhyun what happened?" Chanyeol asked and stood up, he stopped in his tracks.

Chanyeol's aura changed into an angry one? Ok, what's happening?

I stood up and before I went near Baekhyun and Chanyeol, I stopped in my tracks.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with all my might.


"My name is Grei Sandoval not Black."

Baekhyun looked at me with a widened-eyes.

But, I have to face this guy for a while.

"Good morning—" I heard Sehun said.

"You may now get out, Luhan." I said firmly.



"Let me explain, please."

"No need to explain, you may now leave!" Sehun yelled behind me.

"Sehun..." Luhan called him.

"Don't you heard him?! Get out!" I turned around and saw all of the members glaring at Luhan.

"We treated you as our brother, but when we knew that you hurt Grei so much. You're no longer our brother." Xiumin said.


"If you won't leave we will call the security of this village." Kyungsoo said.

"Fine, but I'm not going to give up on asking you, Grei." Luhan said and left.

I sighed, sorry Luhan...

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now