16. Unexpected

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» Grei's POV «

I was almost fell from my bed when my freaking phone suddenly rang on my side table.

I took it and answered it...


My eyes widened and looked at my phone.

I smiled, "Thanks, Li."

"Can you go out from your room?"


"Just go out please."

"Ok." I stood up and put on my slippers before going out from my room.

I went to the living room and I froze when I saw Li...

"Yah! Aren't you happy that I'm here?"

"I-i'm happy! But you told me yesterday night that you can't make it."

"Yeah, it's just a joke to surprise you." He handed me a box. "That's my present."

I smiled, "Thank you, Li." He just smiled back and sat on the couch.

"G... rei?" My eyes widened as I turned around and saw Baek, Yeol, Kyungsoo, and Suho.

They looked at me and turned their gaze to Li...

"Who are they, Black?" Li asked pointing at the guys.

"Black? Her name is Grei." Suho said.

"Black is just her nickname." I heard gasped and saw Chen, Xiumin, Kai and Sehun standing behind the guys.

"Wait... Lulu?" My eyes widened when I heard how Kai called Li.

"I'm not, Lulu." And Li looked at me, ok I'm hurt. Our memories were back again.

"My brother is Xi Luhan, and I'm Xi Lihoon." Li explained.

The whole condo was covered with silence. "Wait... Sehun?" The guys looked at Li confused when he knew one EXO member.

"Eh? Hi." Sehun said awkwardly. "And Xiumin, right?" Oh gosh, what will happen now?

*   *   *

"Xiumin once invited by my brother to go to our house, then we met him." Li explained.

"About Sehun, he's my brother's like baby brother. We once had a skype with Sehun and Lulu when he's still in Seoul."

"And... What about you and Grei?" Yeol asked while he's making his eyes small.

"He's my especial friend. We met when he's still my brother's girlfriend." I bit my lower lip.

They all looked at me with their widened eyes. "Wait... So now you're his ex?" Chen asked.

"Xiumin, Sehun. Do you two knew about this?" Baekhyun asked them.

They both looked down, I can still remember how they both helped me and Luhan to meet each other secretly without the company, members and managers knowing it.

"That's why Sehun was so close to Grei when we met in front of the school." Yeol said while nodding, like he solved a case.

"Sorry guys." Xiumin stated while looking down.

"It's ok." We all looked at Suho, "What do you mean, it's ok?" Kai asked all of us has a frown on our foreheads.

"I understand their situation, maybe that's why Luhan and Grei broke up. We just have to understand them."

I looked down, "We... don't broke up. He just left me hanging." Silence surrounds the whole living room.

"By the way, Lihoon what are you doing here in her condo?" Sehun asked, probably changing the topic.

"Oh? You all didn't know? Today is her birthday."

Their eyes widened, "Exactly Valentines Day?!" They all asked, well except Xiumin, Sehun and Li.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"And this is also the exact date where Lulu left—"

"Stop it, Li." I said, balling my fist. He left me hanging alone, he left me alone in the park.

I waited for him, but he didn't came back.

"Li, let's talk later. I'll just go to my room." I said and stood up as I went to my room and closed the door.

I want to move on from him... But , I don't know how. Do I need someone who will help me to forget him?

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