42. Permission

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» Grei's POV «

I heard my phone rang on my bedside table, I took it and answered it with my closed eyes.

"Ms. Sandoval? This is Mrs.. Xi's secretary, she told me to tell you that you're now not suspended. You can come back here by tomorrow, but there's one condition."

"What?" I asked with my sleepy voice.

"Have a private talk with Mr. Xi Luhan." My eyes automatically went open as I sat to my bed from laying.

I sighed, why are those people keep on forcing me to talk with that jerk?

"Ma'am, I'm begging you. Mr. Xi is not eating properly, we even can't talk to him. So, please... Ms. Sandoval, let him speak and explain to you."

I sighed and stood silence, "I have to go now, Ms. Sandoval." And the call ended.

What should I do?

I stood up from my bed and went to the balcony. What if Baek gone mad if I told him that I'm going to talk to Luhan? What if the members gone mad to me too?

But, I think this is the last time that I will talk to Luhan... I think he will let me go if I talk to him.

I sighed, I'll think for it for a while...

I went out from my room as I went straight to the kitchen, there's no members who's awake.

I glance at the wall clock, it's 5 am. The boys usually wakes up in 7 or 8 am, but Kyungsoo wakes up every 6 am to cook for breakfast.

I took a glass and made a coffee, after that I went to the dining table and stared at the window near the table.

Suddenly, I felt an arm wrapped around me. "Hey, do you have any problem?" I smiled, it's Baek...

"Nothing, the school called me and they said that I'm now not suspended."

"Oh? Really?" I nodded, "Aren't you happy?" Baek asked.

I sighed... I should tell him, he's my boyfriend he has the right to know it.

"But... In one condition." He unwrapped his arm and sat in front of me. He held my hand and looked into my eyes.

"What is it?"

I looked away, and think for a moment if I should tell him.

I sighed and looked back at his eyes, "I have to talk privately with Luhan..."

He didn't replied and he stayed silence for a while, "Baek—"

"Shh, I think it's time to face the truth now, I think we should stop from running away and stopping him to went near you. I think... it's time."

I smiled and pulled him towards me for a hug, "I'm so lucky to have you, Baek." I whispered to his ears.

"No, I'm the one who's lucky here. You told me and asked for my permission if I'm going to allow you. Some girls are not like you, they chose to hide and don't tell this kind of stuffs to their boyfriend, because they're scared for there boyfriend's reaction. But, you... you chose to tell me instead of hiding it. You're a loyal and honest girlfriend, that's why I'm luckier than you."

I smiled, "Sweet." He pulled away and suddenly... kissed me but just a smack.

I smiled, "Kiss stealer."

"I know you like it."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

I'm lucky to have this kind of boyfriend.

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