35. Suspended

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» Grei's POV «


I looked at him, sooooooo confused. But then, he just gave me a smile.

Right now, I'm hoping for one thing that I think is impossible.

EXO please come...

I saw the students were slowly leaving the field, wait how did that happened?! They should be here and gossiping or taking a video or picture and will post it to social media...

Well, that's what people are nowadays.

When the field was empty and only me and Luhan was left, he suddenly hugged me.

I tried to release from his grip but he just did it more tighter.

Can't he understand that I HATE HIM AND I DON'T WANT HIM?!!

I gather all of my strength and I'm ready to pushed him away when someone suddenly punched his face.

I looked at the stranger and saw...


"HOW DARE YOU TO HUG HER?!" Hiro yelled and I can really see the anger on his face.

He's so red while his fist was balled, "Hiro!" I yelled when he was about to punch Luhan again.

He stopped and glared at Luhan before turning to me, "Let's—" he was cut off when Luhan punched him back.

And they started to fight, I got panicked and don't know what to do. What should I do?! I'm so stupid!!!!

And then, I just saw that EXO appeared in front of me and stopped the boys form fighting.

I came back to my senses when Baekhyun held my shoulder and keep on calling my name.

"H-how did you?"

"Shhh, the guards are sleeping and Cyan texted us that Luhan is here. We got worried and hurriedly went here."

I sighed, "I didn't know that he will came."

"It's ok, at least we came and Hiro stopped him." I nodded and smiled.

I just saw behind Baekhyun that the boys were glaring and all around Luhan.

I turned my head on my right and saw the PRINCIPAL with his guards.

"Baek," he looked at me, "The principal." He looked at the direction that I'm looking at.

"STOP!!!" The principal yelled, EXO taken aback and went beside me.

The principal helped Luhan to stood up as well as the guards. "How dare you to hurt my SON!"

My eyes widened, "S-son?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm Mrs. Xi Lee Chang." She firmly said with an angry eyes.

"You!" She pointed at me, "You're the one who caused pain to my son, and you let him beaten up by this brats! You'll be suspended for 6 weeks!"

I froze on my feet and can't even took a blink, the words that she have said keep on playing in my mind.

I can't hear anything except the words that she have said, I'm suspended... for 6 weeks.

*   *   *

"Grei, we're so so so sorry. You've got suspended because we beaten up Luhan, we're really sorry, Grei."

"Suho, you've said that for so many times and I also forgive you already for so many times."

"I can't really forgive myself because you've got suspended." He said.

I chuckled when I saw his eyes getting watery, "Suho, it's really ok. Besides, I hate school."


"It's really fine, I bet in two or three days I'm back to school." And I smirked.

"How is that going to happen?" He asked.

"Just wait."

He can't resist me.

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