39. Brother

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» Grei's POV «

I went out from my room and Suho was the first who approached me, he handed me over a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." He smiled back and turned around, I saw Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looking over me and Suho.

"Oh! Good morning, Baek and Kyungsoo." They just gave me a nod and followed Suho.

What's wrong with them? I saw Chanyeol going out from the kitchen.

"Yah, Chanyeol. What's Baek and Kyungsoo's problem? I greeted them good morning but they just ignored me." I asked and took a sip on my coffee.

"They both acting weird since we came back from your school. When you got sick."

"Hmmm? Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you help me observe them? And I also want to tell you something."

"Sure, and what're you going to tell me?"

I leaned towards his ears and whispered, "Suho is my elder brother."

I pulled away and his eyes widened, "Please don't tell anyone." I said and used my puppy eyes. Oh gosh! I'm acting weird again! I hate myself when I can't control myself from acting childish.

"Did you do just an aegyo?" He asked, I bit my lower lip and shook my head. Gosh! I can feel my cheeks were heated up.

"Come on! Don't be shy." He said and keep on looking for my face while me keep on looking down and avoiding his face.

"Y-yah, d-don't look like that." I said.

"Haha, your cute! And you're blushing. Awww..." I pouted and was about to leave when Chanyeol grabbed my arm.

"You're so cute." He said, I rolled my eyes even my cheeks is really red.

"Ihhhh!" I said and smiled, "I don't know that you know how to do aegyo."

"I'm not doing aegyo!"

"You are, haha! I want to see it again. Do it!"

"Yah!" I hit his chest, he just laughed.

"You did the puppy eyes one!" He said and gave me a teasing smile.

"I-i didn't!"

"You are." And he laughed again. "Stop laughing." I said.

"Yeah, yeah. I will, but do the puppy eyes once again."


"What's happening here?" Suho asked, I went towards him and hid behind him. "He is forcing me to do an aegyo."

"What? You did an aegyo? Can you do it in front of—"

"Yah!" I unhide and glared at him. "I'm your brother! Don't glare at me like that."

"Brother?" Oh.my.gosh

"Yes, she's my little sister." Suho said firmly to the boys. Kyungsoo and Kai is from the kitchen the others is from Baek's room.

"H-how?" Baek asked.

"I just forgot because I've lost a little on my memory when I got involved in an accident 14 years ago when we left her." Suho explained.

"Yah, Sehun, Xiumin, Chan? Aren't you surprised?" Kai asked.

"Nope, because we knew all about them." Xiumin answered, Sehun nodded. "Uhmmm, Grei just told me a while ago." Chan said.

"Unfair! Does that mean you trust Chanyeol more?" Baek asked and pouted.

Because you're also part of my past...

"I trust all of you here, duh!" And I rolled my eyes.

He shrugged, "Let's eat breakfast." Kyungsoo said heading to the kitchen.

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