19. Something

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» Grei's POV «

I went out from my room and to my surprise, I saw Suho on the couch sleeping?

I went towards him and kneel in front of him, "Hey, Suho." I called him out causing him to open his eyes.

"Why are you sleeping here?" I asked.

"Lihoon has no room to sleep, and Baekhyun's room's space is not enough for all of us. I just let him sleep on my space on Baekhyun's room."

I smiled, "You're really a responsible leader." He just gave me a smile.

"You can sleep to my room."

"Really?" I nodded and smiled at him.

"Do you want a coffee?" He nodded, "I'll go to your room now?" I nodded.

"I'll bring the coffee to your room." He smiled and stood up, "Thanks Grei." I just gave him a nod as a reply.

He's a well-disciplined leader, I admire him because of that. I went to the kitchen and make Suho a coffee also for me.

I was about to open the door to my room, when someone called me out.

"Good morning, Grei."

"Good morning, Xiumin."

"Did you see Suho?" He asked.

"He's here in my room, I saw him sleeping here in the couch a while ago so I let him sleep in my room. I also bring a coffee for him."

"Ahhh, your so kind."

"Suho is more kind and well-disciplined leader. I'll go now." He nodded and smiled as I entered my room.

I saw Suho laying in my bed, "Hey, here's your coffee." I said and put down the cup on the side table.

"Are you ok there?" I asked, He nod. "What kind of mattress is this? It's so comfortable."

"Thanks for the coffee." I just smiled, "Sleep well." He nodded and smiled.

I went out and closed the door silently, I decided to went to the garden.

I sat on the bench and took a sip on my coffee, "Black?" I raised up my head and saw Li.

"Hey, Li." He sat beside me, "Sorry if I didn't told you that I'll came."

I chuckled, "It's ok. You're always tricking me since then."

"Would you mind if you come with me later?"

"Where are we going?"

"Just hanging out."

"Sure." I said, he smiled. "Better be ready before 2:00 pm." I nodded.

"Give me some." He suddenly sipped on my coffee, "Yah!" I yelled. He chuckled, "What?" I rolled my eyes on him.

"You still have your old attitude." He said, I rolled my eyes. "See!" I hit his arm. "You're still a bully."

He chuckled, "I'll just go upstairs." I nodded at him as he left.

*   *   *

It's 1:58 pm, and I'm ready now. I took my sling bag and then I heard a knock.

"Black? Are you ready?"

"Yeah!" I said and went out from my room.

"You're really beautiful even you wear everything." I hit his arm, "Don't play with me."

I'm only wearing gray shirt with a jeans, and sneakers. Is it cool? Of course not!

"Yah! Can we go with you?" Chanyeol hit Baekhyun's head. "Are you nuts? What if the sasaengs ran after you. Of course you can't run, you only have small legs."

"Yah! I'm not!" Baekhyun pouted. "We have to go now," I said. "Suho, take care of your members." I said.

He nodded and smiled, "I will. Take care of yourself." I smiled to him, "Li, let's go." Li followed me as we went inside his car.

» Suho's POV «

We watched Grei and Lihoon left, and they all turned to me.

"What?" I asked. "What's with the 'I will. Take care of yourself' thingy?" Baekhyun asked while copying my voice.

"It's just nothing tss." I was about to leave when Kai grabbed my arm, he made me sit on the couch and they all went around me.

They're always treating me like I'm not the leader, and they're all older than me. Well, except Xiumin.

Chen went in front of me and put his hand on his waist.

"Do you have something with Grei?"

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now