30. Taking Care of our Princess

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» Chen's POV «

I woke up and saw Baekhyun and Kyungsoo not on their beds? It's too early to wake up.

I went to the kitchen and saw Baek and Kyungsoo... Wait, are they glaring at each other?

"Why are you two glaring at each other?" I asked and entered the kitchen, they looked at me and shook their heads.

"We're just playing, I'm still lose when it comes to Kyungsoo." Baek said and smiled as he went to the dispenser.

I nodded, "Why are you two up this early?"

"I'm going to cook breakfast." Kyungsoo said, I nodded and turned to Baekhyun. "What about you?" I asked.

"Kyungsoo asked for my help." I nodded and turned around and went back to the room.

» Xiumin's POV «

"Oh? Where did you came from?" I asked Chen when he entered.

"Kitchen." I nodded as he lay down beside me.

"Where's Baek and Kyungsoo?" I asked, "They're cooking for breakfast." I nodded and lay down back.

"But, you know what? Before I enter the kitchen, I saw them glaring at each other."

"That two is acting weird when they came back from Grei's school." I uttered while looking at the ceiling.

I felt Chen just shrugged. I have to look after that two.

» Chanyeol's POV «


"The fvck?!" I yelled and opened my eyes, I saw Sehun holding a basin and a ladle.

"Sehun! Stop that!" I yelled, he stopped and rolled his eyes before going out from the room.

Oh great, I'm the only one who left. Now, I know why Sehun woke me up! To clean the things that they used tss.


» Suho's POV «

"No, I will bring it to Grei!"

"No, ME!"

"No, ME!"

"Shut up! I'll bring that to her." I said, I'm really pissed off with this guys.

I glared at Sehun and Xiumin, they pouted and handed me the tray of food.

I rolled my eyes before taking it and bringing it to Grei.

I knocked on her room and entered, I smiled to her and went in.

"Here, eat for a while." I accompany her from laying to sitting up.

"Are you feeling well now?" I asked, "A little bit." She replied.

"Do you want me to feed you?" She nodded and smiled, I took the bowl and spoon and start feeding her up.

After that, I also gave her the medicines and let her drink it. "Thanks, Suho." I nodded as she went back to lying down.

I put her blanket on, "Rest up well." She smiled at me before closing her eyes.

I took the tray and went out from her room, the boys approached me once I stepped out from her room.

"Is she fine?" Chanyeol asked, "Yeah, she went back to sleep now." I said and went to the kitchen as the boys followed me.

"When is she going to wake up?" Sehun asked, I shrugged and went to the living room as I sat on the couch.

"Let's just wait until she woke up." I said and took my phone and start scrolling.

"This house is boring without her!" Sehun stated and lay down his back to the couch.

I agree to you Sehun...

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