9. Park

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» Chanyeol's POV «

I woke up and saw that Baekhyun is nowhere to be found, he usually gets up late.

Then, Kyungsoo moved and opened his big eyes. "Yah, Kyungsoo Baekhyun is not here."

"Maybe he's just around."

"But he usually gets up late."

He shrugged, "Find him." I nodded and stood up as I went all around the condo.

I went outside and I frowned when I saw that the car that is owned by Grei is not in the parking lot.

Wait... I went to Grei's room and knock. "Yah, Chanyeol! Your so noisy, stop knocking."

I saw Sehun with Kyungsoo, Kai, and Chen behind him.

"Where is—" I was cut off when I connected everything. Baekhyun is not here, Grei is not answering...

"Guys, do you think Baekhyun and Grei are together?"

"Yeah, Baekhyun is not here, also Grei. Maybe they're together then." Chen said.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I glared at Kai.

"What?" He innocently asked, chuckling.

» Grei's POV «

"WAAAHHH! Grei what are we going to do?????? ㅠㅠ"

"Baekhyun, can you shut up? You're annoying."

Well, we're about to head home but our tires got flat. And this guy in front of me turns into a childish again. Now, I know when he's panicking, when he's being childish and talkative.

"Hey, Baek. Hand me your phone."


"Just hand it to me." He handed me his phone and I dialed Chanyeol's number.


"Grei? Where are you?"

"We're about to head home but our tires got flat, can you pick us up?"

"Huh? But, how?"

"Go to Cyan's house, her house is just 3 condo's apart from me and it's on the right. White colored gate."

"Wait for me, tell me where you are."

I look around and saw a park. Wait, is this the park that...

"Hey, Grei?"

"A-ahh... In a park, near the cemetery. Cyan knows my family's grave."

"Cemetery? And wait... Who are you with?"


I frowned when he didn't replied anymore.

"Hey, Chanyeol?"

"O-ohh... I'm coming, just wait there."

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now