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» Grei's POV «

After 5 months...

"Please! Be ready we're going to start in 3 minutes." Our adviser announced.

"My sister is so beautiful." I gave Suho a smile. Yeah, he came back for my graduation. But, without Baekhyun and the other members.

"I have a surprise after your graduation."

I smiled, as my brother fixed my hair. Well, actually the students keeps on taking picture of my brother but the bodyguards of my brother were protecting us so that the students is not going to do something to my brother.

"Let's start!" The adviser said as we fixed ourselves and ready for the ceremony.

"Grei!" I turned around and saw Cyan...

The guards stopped her, "Suho." He looked at the guards and sign them to let Cyan.

Cyan walk towards me as I hugged her, and after a while she pulled away. She turned to Suho and greeted him.

"Where's your boyfriend?" She asked.

I looked down, "Ahhh... He's not here yet, didn't you heard about our comeback?" Suho answered.

"Ahhh! Yes, you have a comeback. Good thing you came for your sister."


"Do you know that since elementary she's always have a medal but no one is leading her to the stage except our adviser." I glared at Cyan as she gave me a peace sign.

"I have to go back to my line now." She said awkwardly and went to her line.

"No one is leading you all the way to the stage?" Suho asked me.

I looked at him shyly and nodded, he smiled and patted my head. "Don't worry, your brother is here now to lead you to the stage."

I smiled, "Thanks, brother."

"Ms. Grei Sandoval." I went to the stage with my brother and the field was filled with screams. Obviously because of my brother.

I bowed and we went out from the stage, "Be careful." I told my brother as he nodded and went to the opposite direction from mine.

I went to the seat where it was for me, and the ceremony started.

*   *   *

"Congratulations, graduates!" The principal said as we happily clapped and stood up from our seat.

I went to my brother as we welcomed me with a hug, "Congratulations!" He said.

He pulled away and smiled at me. "Black..." I turned around and saw... Luhan.

The guards immediately blocked his way towards me, "I just want to congratulate you."

"You don't have to be close to her, you can greet her from there." Suho said.

"Well then, congratulations Black."

I just looked at him as he turned around and walked away, "Greiiiiiii!!!!!!" That microphone voice only belongs to...

"Cyan!" I said as she walk towards me, "Congrats!" We both greeted each other.

Then one person came again...

"Hiro?" Cyan said as she walked towards him.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now