29. Clinic

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» Grei's POV «

"Oh? Where are you going?" Suho asked when I passed over the kitchen. All of them are there and seems waiting for me.

"I have school, I have to go now. I might be late."

"Hey, eat breakfast for a while." Kyungsoo said.

I shook my head, "No, I'll be late if I'm still going to eat."

"Grei! You might get sick if you don't eat." Baekhyun stated with a worried tone.

"I really have to go. See you later, guys!" I said and went out.

My eyes widened when Luhan appeared in front of me, "Luhan, not now. I have to go to school."

"Well then, can we talk while walking towards your school? I won on Sehun's challenge anyway."

He... won?!

I sighed and nod, maybe it's the time to let him explain his side. We start walking towards my school.

"I want to explain why I left you."

"I... don't want to talk about it." I'm scared to hear what he's going to say.


"Look, Luhan. I'm scared of what you're going to say and I'm still not ready for it. I'm sorry, thanks for walking me here."

He sighed and nod, I turned around and entered my school.

"Grei!" I saw Cyan walking towards me. I smiled on her, "Hey, you ok? Why are you pale?"

"Am I? Maybe I'm just stress." She nods and we start walking through tthe corridor.

*   *   *

It's our break time, but I have no time to eat because I have to do our research that was unexpected for all of us.

I'm now here in the library and researching for the book where all of the questions are.

I felt my phone vibrated, I took it out from my pocket and saw Kyungsoo's text.

Kyungsoo: Yah, aren't you dizzy or what? You skipped your breakfast.

Me: I'm good, and it's our break time, I'm now eating snacks.

I lied? Yeah, so that he'll stop worrying. I went back from researching...

After I answered all of the questions, I went back to my room and I stopped in my tracks when I felt that everything is spinning.

Is this because I skipped breakfast? I also skipped my break time.

I continued walking and after some seconds, I just felt myself lying on the floor.

I saw a footsteps running towards me but I'm unable to see who it is because my vision was so blurry.

» Chanyeol's POV «

I'm now here at the living room, I'm with Kyungsoo and Baekhyun we're watching a movie.

My phone rang, aish! What a nuisance.

"Hello?" I said, stopping myself to yell.



"Grei is unconscious she's here in the clinic."


» Cyan's POV «

I stare at my best friend, I hope she will be ok.

"She need to eat when she wake up."

"Ok, thanks." I said to the nurse before she left the clinic.

I don't know if it's right to call Chanyeol, because they're stars what if their fans noticed them?

Ugh! I called the wrong person, I should call Hiro than EXO. Gosh! I'm so stupid.

The door opens and the guys came, It's Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. They're wearing face mask, cap and hoodie.

"Did someone recognized you?" I asked worried.

"None." Chanyeol answered.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo immediately went towards Grei, hmmm? Is there something going on between this three?

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