50. Love

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» Baekhyun's POV «

"Baek? You ready?" Chanyeol asked.

"Wait for a second." I took my bag and looked at my reflection on the mirror.

My eyes were swollen... Yeah, swollen I cried and didn't sleep yesterday night.

I took my bag and went out from our room, I looked at Grei's room. She's still not going out.

I saw the door opened, and Suho hyung went out from her room. I went towards Suho.

"What did she said? Is she alright?" I asked.

He shook his head, "She's not replying, she's just looking away obviously avoiding my gaze."

I looked down, I felt the hot liquids forming on my eyes again. I bit my lower lip, why do I need to cry again and again?!

"Hey, guys! Let's go!" We looked at Xiumin who called us.

I sighed, I can't say goodbye to her...

"Let's go?" Suho said, I glance at her door before nodding and we went outside.

I saw the members and our manager, our manager looked at me. He frowned and walked towards me.

"Your eyes are swollen what happened?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said and entered the van.

"Let's go!" I said and they all ride on. The driver starts the engine as we drove off.

I stared at the window, tears kept on rolling down on my cheeks as I also kept on wiping it.

I balled my fist, I can't take this anymore...

» Grei's POV «

Argghh! Baek doesn't deserve this.

I went out from my room and ran outside my condo.

I felt like my knees were like noodles when I didn't saw the van that they ride on.

I sat in front of my condo as I hugged my knees and rest my head on it.

"I'm sorry Baek..." I whispered and tears kept on rolling down my cheeks.

Sorry for treating you like that, Baek. I shouldn't let my emotions control me. I shouldn't let you go.

I stood up and wiped my tears, I have to call him. I was about to enter my condo when I felt someone grabbed my arm.

"I can't go without us fixing this."


I hugged him when I heard his voice, I felt his arm embraced me back.

"I knew it, you love me." He said.

"I really do love you, idiot!" I heard him chuckled. I pulled away and noticed his tears.

And that broke my heart...

I immediately wiped his wet cheeks and kissed him...

I felt his response... Baekhyun, I'm sorry for treating you wrong.

I pulled away, "I'm sorry for treating you wrong, Baek."

He smiled, "It's ok, I understand. I still love you even you're pushing me away."

I smiled, "I'm really lucky for having you."

"We're just the same." He said.

I looked behind him and saw a van...

"You have to go to the airport now, Baek."

He sighed and looked at me, hesitating. "I promise, I'll come back for you. I promise."

"I trust you, I know you will come back for me."

He kissed my forehead, "I love you, babe."

"I love you too... babe."

He smiled and hugged me once again before turning around and hopping on their van.

I watched the van moved and disappeared from my sight.

I smiled... You'll come back, Baek.

» Baekhyun's POV «

"Your girlfriend?" Base on my manager's tone, he seems doesn't like her.

"Yes." I said firmly.

"Break up with her, if your fans—"

"I.don't.care. I'm willing to risk my career for her."

"Baekhyun! Wake up, your fans—"

"I don't freaking care! We're also peoples! We also have the rights to love, we're not your dogs to handle us on our necks!"

"What if the publicity found this out?!"

"I'll tell them the truth, I'll tell them how much I love Grei. And you even SM can't do anything about it, you can't stop me."


"Shut up, manager! Baekhyun is right. Me too, I'll leave this group and that freaking company if you'll stop Baek from loving my sister."

Manager looked at Suho, dumbfounded. "S-sister?" He asked.

"Yes! Grei is not a Sandoval. She's Kim Joon Hee. She's my sister." Suho hyung said.

"Soo Man must know this."

"Tell him! Also tell him how much I love that girl." I said and looked at the window.

No one can stop me from loving her. If I have to leave my career for her. I'll do it.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now