13. Amusement

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» Grei's POV «

We reached the amusement, and expectedly, Chanyeol and Sehun was the first one who went out from the car.

Only me and Baekhyun was left here inside the car, "E-ehem... Let's go." I was about to open the door when he grabbed my arm.

"Y-yah..." I said and looked down on his hand that was holding my arm.

I looked at him, he was looking at me and he's like he wants to say something.

"U-uhmm... I'll take your bag, ok?" I nodded and smiled, "Thanks." I replied before stepping out from the car.

But, when I got out my eyes widened when Chanyeol held my hand and pulled me.

"Let's go!" He ran that's why I also ran before I got dragged.

"Chanyeol, let's wait for them!" I said to him, he shrugged and wait for the guys.

"Yah, Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo released Chanyeol's hand from mine.

And we all chuckled, "Let's go." Suho said and lead the way to the entrance.

He paid for the entrance fee and the guy gave us a ticket and we entered the Amusement.

"What should we ride first?" Chen asked. "Flying Fiesta?" Chanyeol suggested.

"No, Disk-O-Magic." -Kai

"No, Roller coaster." -Xiumin

"Let's just vote, who wants to go to Flying Fiesta?" Suho asked, Chanyeol raised his hand also Sehun.

"What about Disk-O-Magic?" Kai and Suho raised their hands.

"Roller coaster?" Xiumin and Chen raised their hands.

"Yah! Why are you three not raising your hands?" Xiumin asked and pointed at me, Baek, and Kyungsoo.

We three looked at each other, "I'll go to Anchors Away." I said.

"I'll go with her." Baekhyun said, "Me too." Kyungsoo agreed.

"They're three! But we're just two." Xiumin told Chen.

"They won." Suho said, "Let's go to the Anchors Away then." Chanyeol said as he and Sehun lead the way.

While we're walking, my phone rang so I answered it.

"Grei? Where are you, I'm here in front of your condo."

"What are you doing there? I'm not in my condo."

"Huh? When are you going back?"

"Maybe, night."

"Eh? I'll just go back tomorrow."

"Why did you go to my condo? Do you need something or what?"

"Yah, Grei! Let's go!" Sehun yelled at me.

"Who's that? Who are you with?"

"Got to go, bye Hiro!" And I ended the call. I went towards the guys and fall in line behind Baekhyun.

"Oh, ladies first." And he went behind me, "Thanks." I said.

"Oh? My bag is on you right? Give it to me." I said but he avoid my hand.

"It's ok, we will give it to the guy before we enter." He said pointing at the guy wearing a yellow shirt.

I shrugged and it's our turn, me and Baek ride at the back while the guys were in front.

"Oh my gosh!" I laughed at Baek when he held his chest. Because the ride moved a little.

"Don't tell me your scared?" I asked. "Of course not!" He denied.

"Haha, this ride won't fall."

"I know." I know? But he's in shock? Really?

"Good luck then." I said, he looked at me while making face and I just chuckled.

I saw how the guys looked at us while giving us a meaningful smile. I just 'tsked', causing Baek to chuckled.

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