41. Hot-headed Kyungsoo

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» Grei's POV «

I went out from my room and then saw Baekhyun sitting on the couch, his back is facing me.

I looked around and saw no one, I smiled. I went towards him and hugged him from the back.

He looked at me and smiled, I looked at his phone through his shoulder. My eyes widened when he suddenly kissed my cheeks.

I hit his arms, "Someone might see us." I said and was about to remove my hand from his shoulders when he grabbed it again and wrapped it back on his shoulders.

"Baekhyun, what if they saw us?"

"If they saw us? Then they saw us."

"You're not scared?" I asked, he shook his head. "I'm ready to accept the things that will say to me. Just, don't dare they say something bad on you."

I kissed his cheeks and smiled, I removed my arms and sat beside him. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"Good morning, Grei." Kyungsoo entered the living room with a cup of coffee on his hand.

He sat beside me as I smiled on him, "Good morning, Kyungsoo."

I looked at Baekhyun with a frown when he elbowed me, "What?" I whispered to him.

He just shook his head, I rolled my eyes on him. "You want some coffee?" Kyungsoo asked. I nodded, "Thanks, Kyungsoo." He stood up and smiled before going to the kitchen.

I looked at Baekhyun, "Why did you elbowed me?" I asked.

He pouted, but still looking at his phone. "I don't like the way he looked at you."

I chuckled and pinched his cheeks, "My boyfriend is jealous."

"Yeah, I'm sensitive and I'm a jealous type."

I smiled, "I know." I remembered how possessive he is.

"Here's your coffee." Kyungsoo put the cup down the table and back to his seat again.

"I also want that, let me drink." I looked at Baek who suddenly grabbed the cup from my hand and drank half of it.

I glared at him secretly and took the cup  back and drank onto it, this guy is so possessive!

I put the empty cup on the table, "It's delicious, Kyungsoo." And I smiled at him.

"I'm glad you like it."

» Kyungsoo's POV «

Did they... just had an INDIRECT KISS?!!!

This guy is really pissing me off! He's acting like he's her boyfriend tch.

Suho entered the living room and glance at Baek and Grei, I thought he's going to do something but... "Good morning." He said and went to the kitchen.

"Oh? Love triangle?" I glared at Chanyeol. LOVE TRIANGLE! No way tch.

"Woah, easy on that stare." Chanyeol said and shook his head as he went to the cr.

"Ahhh! I'm still sleepy." And Grei leaned her back against the couch.

"Do you want to lean on my shoulder then?" Baek asked.

Really?! Tch!

"No, she won't. She needs a bed it's more comfortable there," I stood up. "I'l go to the kitchen now, I have to cook for our breakfast." I bowed before heading to the kitchen.

Does he think that I didn't know that he likes Grei?! He's so obvious tch.

"Why are you glaring at the stove?" I looked at my right and saw Sehun.

"Nothing, there's a jerk who's acting so obvious tch." I took the pan and put it on the stove as I opened the stove.

I heard Sehun chuckled, "You sounds so jealous."

"I'm not." I rolled my eyes, "If you're not going to say something nice, you may now leave this kitchen."

"Woah, easy. Your so hot-headed." Sehun said and walked out from the kitchen.

He's really OBVIOUS! Argghh! If he thinks that he can took her away from me. He's wrong. I'm not going to allow Grei to fall for him.

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