11. Plan

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» Grei's POV «

"Oh c'mon, Grei! Wake up!" I heard someone shake me, so I opened my eyes with an irritated look.

"What?!" I asked Baekhyun who disturbed my sleep.

"Stand up and come on, we have to go somewhere."

"But, you guys are not able to go outside."

"This place is no person to be found, only the staffs and us!" He excitedly said.

My left eyebrow raised up, "Did you guys paid for that place?"

He scratched the back of his neck and called out Xiumin and Suho.

"What does Baekhyun talking about, Mr. Kim's?"

They both bit their lips and also scratch the back of their neck.

"You've paid for the place, right?" I looked at Suho. "It's not my idea!"

"Then who?" He called out Chanyeol as they both went out from the room.

"It's your idea, Mr. Park?"

"I'm not the only one with this idea, also Sehun and Kai!" He protested.

"Call them." He immediately called the two up, so they're three now in front of me.

"Why do you agreed on his idea?"

"All of the members agreed!" Kai said. I looked at Sehun, "Maknae?"

"We just wanted to make you happy and we wanted to pay you for all the sacrifice that you did for us."

"I already said that, thank you is enough right?" They three nodded.

"Let's go to the living room." We four went to the living room and saw all of the members sitting on the couch.

"So, what are you all planning?"

"We're planning of how to make Grei happy— Awww! Why did you elbowed me, Kyungsoo?!" Chen protested.

Kyungsoo pointed at me using his eyes, Chen looked at me and smiled awkwardly.

"Yah, Kyungsoo. I know you're in this." I said.

"Ehhh? Because I also wanted to make you happy, we all wanted to make you happy."

"Fine, where are we going to go?" Their faces were lightened up.

"Amusement!" They all said in unison. I smiled, "Go back to your room and prepare your things!" Chen said and pushed me carefully towards my room.

This guys is sometimes sweet...

*   *   *

"Are you ready?" I nodded at Baekhyun, he smiled at me.

"Wait, we only have 1 car." I said.

"I told our manager to bring some cars, our manager is outside he wanted to meet you because you helped Baekhyun." Xiumin said.

Oh? I went out and saw a guy I guess he's in his 30's?

"Good morning, Sir. I'm Grei Sandoval."

"Good morning, Ms. Grei, I'm Mr. Lee, their manager. Thank you for being kind and for helping Baekhyun out from his fans."

"At first, I thought he's a criminal because he's running away from the people." We both laughed.

"Hey, Manager!" The guys came out from the condo.

"Oh? There's the boys, you're now going nice to meet you, Ms. Grei."

"Me too, Mr. Lee."

"Let me help you with your bag." Baekhyun said, getting my sling bag from me.

"Thank you, Baek." He smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Guys, four persons in the first car and five on the second one!" Suho announced.

"Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun and Grei is on the first car." -Suho.

"Yah, we wanted Grei to belong to our car!" Kai said.

"No more protests, please." -Suho.

"Psh, unfair." I heard Chen whispered.

"In the second car is, Xiumin, Chen, Suho, Kyungsoo and Kai."

We hopped inside the car, Chanyeol is on the driver's seat, Sehun is on the front seat, Me and Baek is here at the back.

"Let's go!" Sehun cheer excitedly, as the car starts moving.

Accidentally Fall Inlove (Baekhyun's FF)✅Where stories live. Discover now