31. Stick Game

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» Grei's POV «

We're all now here at the kitchen eating on a long table while they're throwing some trash talks to each other. While me, just laughing all along with them.

I can notice Kyungsoo and Baekhyun's glance at me, and that is really weird.

After we get finished, they started doing their own businesses. While I'm left to clean and wash the dishes.

But thanks to Suho, he volunteered to help me. I'm kind a feeling of weird with Kyungsoo and Baek, so I don't feel working or approaching with them.

"Thanks for helping me, Suho."

"Actually, you should still keep on resting since you just came from sickness."

"It's boring to be inside on my room without all of you, there's no noise."

He chuckled as we went to the living room where all of the boys are. "Yah, why don't we play for a while?" Baek asked excitedly.

"What game?" Xiumin asked. "Let's form a circle and play the confessing challenge." Baekhyun stated while gesturing to us to form a circle.

I felt something about this game...

After we formed a circle, Baek put a pack of different color of sticks on the middle.

"That plastic contains four different colors inside, so according here to the instruction. Every player contains the four colors, you will give the blue one to the person you want to forgive, green is for the person you want to ask for forgiveness, yellow is for the person you want to confess something, and the last one is red the person you want to say 'Thank You'."

"Are you guys ready?" Baek asked after he explained everything. "Yes!" They all answered well, I'm not feeling well with this game so I didn't answered.

Baek give all of us the four colors, "Who wants to go first?" Chanyeol raises his right hand.

"Ok, Chanyeol please go to the circle." Baek said as Chanyeol stepped inside the circle.

"Blue. I will give this to... Grei!" I frowned when he handed me over the blue stick.

"And why did you gave Grei the blue stick?" Baek asked. "Because I want to forgive her for all of the jealousy that she did over me."

I rolled my eyes on him as he chuckled, "I will give this color green to Kyungsoo, because I want to ask for his forgiveness because I'm always teasing him."

"You're also always teasing me!" Baek said while pouting, Chanyeol glared at Baek.

"I will give this yellow one to Baekhyun!" All of us gasped, "You're going to confess something on Baekhyun? What is it?" Chen asked.

"Well, it should be private!" Chanyeol protested, well he has a point.

"And the last one is red, I want to give this to Grei again. Thank you because you helped all of us, also Baekhyun." I smiled at him as he handed me over the red stick.

"Who's next?" Chanyeol asked after he gave all of his sticks.

"Me!" Baekhyun said happily as he went in the middle.

"I want to give this blue stick to Chanyeol, because I want to forgive you from all of the things you did when you hurt me, even you didn't notice that."

"Awww..." The other members reacted.

"The green one is to Kyungsoo. Well, it's a personal reason."

"Yah! That's unfair!" Sehun said and pouted.

"Aish, just mind your own business maknae!" Kyungsoo said and glared at Sehun.

"I want to give this yellow one to..."

This guy is making it more tense!

"Grei..." I raised up my head and frowned, what does he wanted to confess?

"Oh! According to the instruction, if the player gave a yellow stick to the another player they should talk privately to confess what they want to confess!" Xiumin suddenly said, breaking the moment.

Is he really the oldest among all of them?

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