45. Kyungsoo's Confession

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» Grei's POV «

"Y-yah! Kyungsoo!" I yelled when Kyungsoo ran after me. I tickled him while cooking a while ago and he can't tickled me back because he's cooking, and now that he's done, he's now chasing me.

"Kyungsoo, sorry! Ihhh!!!" I ran to the living room causing the members to looked at me and Kyungsoo.

"Yah, why are you two running?" Suho asked, I know I'm just the one who he wants to ask.

I saw Baek beside Suho raising his right eyebrow on me, "Ihhh..." I don't know what to answer, Kyungsoo also stopped chasing me.

"We won't run again." Kyungsoo said and went back to the kitchen.

Suho bring his attention to me, I pouted and looked down. "Sorry."

"Don't sorry to me, say it to your boyfriend." He stood up and leave.

I glance at Baek but immediately looked down again, I heard him chuckled causing me to raised up my head.

"You're cute when scared, I still remember when you get scared when I caught you having fun with a guy. You're so scared that time."

"I thought you're mad."

"I'm not, I can't stay be mad at you. I love you and I know you just want to have some fun with the members."

I smiled, "Thank you." He smiled back and pulled me for a hug. After a while he pulled away and smiled and messed up my hair.

I stood up, "I'll just go the kitchen." He nodded and I went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Kyungsoo!" I said, he looked at me. "I won't tickle you back, Suho hyung is angry."

"He's not." I said, he just nodded. I went  beside him and take a look at the pan to see if what he's cooking.

"G-grei..." I looked at him and my eyes widened when I saw how close our face to each other.

I went away, "S-sorry." I said, he nodded and smiled. "Grei." I looked at him, "Why?" I asked.

"What if I tell you that I love you?" I stopped for a second.

"Well, I think you love me as a friend or sister right?" I asked, smiling.

His face was so serious, "No. I love you, as you not as my sister or as a friend. I love you."

I felt so uncomfortable, he closed the stove and walked towards me. "I love you, Grei."

He stopped inches away from me, "I'm hiding this for such a long time, and I think the time is enough for me to confess and gather all of my guts to tell you this."


*   *   *

I looked at the sky, I love stargazing. Suddenly, something entered my mind...


"Shhh, I'm not forcing you to love me back it takes time. I just want you to feel how much I love you."

I feel so guilty, is it right to not tell him that me and Baekhyun has a secret relationship?

"Hey." Baek wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You're thinking too much, mind if you share it to me?"

I turned around and hugged him, "Baek..."


"Kyungsoo said..."

"What is it babe?" I smiled on the endearment that he called me.

"Kyungsoo confessed to me that... he loves me."

He pulled away and looked at me, "What did you said?"

"I was about to say that we're on a relationship but he cut me off, he told me that it's ok, he's not asking me to love him back he also added that he just want to let me feel how much he loves me."

He smiled, "It's ok, at least you tried to tell him."

"Aren't we going to tell to everyone about this?"

"We might hurt Kyungsoo if we tell this to them, we have to tell this to him before the other members so that he won't be surprised. We have to talk to him privately, but in the right time."

I nodded, "My boyfriend is so intelligent."

"You're more intelligent, I love you babe." And he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too babe."

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